What's Involved?

What's on offer?

We're offering two (2) funding streams for small projects:

Starting a new group.

This stream is intended for new organisers. We especially encourage applications from individuals who identify as part of a group that is currently marginalised or underrepresented in England's folk scene. Sometimes people who perceive the world differently from established organisers have new ideas about how to make activities more accessible to a wider range of people.

Read more about project requirements

Developing access in an existing group.

This stream is for existing organisers who are interested in trying something new with the goal of increasing their accessibility to a wider range of participants.

Read more about project requirements

We’re planning to fund six (6) new groups and six (6) existing groups at up to £1,000 per project. Projects need to start between March and October 2024. You have up to a year to complete your project from your start date. 

Download the Call for Access Folk Small Project Applications for full terms and conditions.

Call for Applicants_Updated 26-02-2024.pdf

If this grant isn’t a good fit for you, but you have an idea for a project that involves folk singing, accessibility, and expanding participation be sure to sign up to our mailing list so that you don’t miss future funding opportunities! 

What makes Access Folk Small Project funding different?

Receiving an Access Folk Small Project Grant involves more than planning and running a series of events. It also involves a commitment to:

What are my responsibilities ...

... for my project

You are responsible for running the project you propose. This might involve:

... to Access Folk

Providing data about your project and its impact is what makes receiving a grant from us different from other funders or doing a project alone. An Access Folk researcher will work with you to find the best way to share information – like: 

Successful applicants will be asked to report on their projects a minimum of four (4) times.

You will also be asked to sign a Letter of Agreement, including agreeing with our Statement of Shared Values, before receiving your funding.

Key Dates and Timeline

What's next?


Submit your application.

Am I ready? 

Take a short quiz that asks you questions about your project. It will help you think about your proposal and whether you’re ready to apply.

Get help applying

Register for a Q&A session, read our FAQ, request a callback, or find out about other ways we can support you.

Accepting your funding

Get information on how to accept your funding, download project documents, and preview our agreements.

Other resources

Access podcasts and reports about the current state of folk singing in England, and other resources that can help inform your application.