Season 2
Welcome to The Access Folk Podcast and our special series on Folk Arts, Cultural Policy and UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Over the course of 3 episodes, Dr Esbjörn Wettermark talks to Breesha Maddrell from Culture Vannin on the Isle of Man; Ciarán Ó Maoláin from Armagh Pipers Club in Northern Ireland; Danny KilBride from Trac Cymru in Wales; Katy Spicer from the English Folk Dance and Song Society in England; and Steve Byrne from Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland.
This special series of The Access Folk Podcast was produced as part of a Knowledge Exchange Project supported by Policy Support Funding from the University of Sheffield.
The podcast was recorded and produced by Esbjörn Wettermark and Kitty Turner.
All the music in the podcast series is used with permission from the artists and copyright holders.
Use the buttons below to find the podcast on your favourite app or scroll down and use the dropdown panes below to read the show notes in English, Irish (Ulster), Manx, Scottish, Scots, or Welsh...
Show Notes...
Special series: Folk Arts, Policy and the Convention
Episode 1: Isle of Man and Northern Ireland
Welcome to The Access Folk Podcast and our special series on Folk Arts, Cultural Policy and UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. These show notes provide context for the episodes and link to more sources about the topics we cover.
In the first episode Esbjörn Wettemark talks to Breesha Maddrell from Culture Vannin on the Isle of Man and Ciarán Ó Maoláin from Armagh Pipers Club in Northern Ireland. At the start of the episode Esbjörn introduces the terms folk arts and policy.
What is Folk Arts?
There is no single definition of what constitutes the folk arts. In fact, several of the organisations involved in this project use other terms, such as traditional arts, or combinations such as folk music and dance traditions. The very broad definition we use is described by Esbjörn as ‘art forms and styles of cultural expressions that are based in oral transmission, have a sense of connection to place, and are perceived by practitioners as being part of a people’s culture – something connected to everyday life rather than being part of an institutionalised art form’. Words like folk or traditional can have many different meanings depending on the context and you can find more information about this in the further readings below.
What is Policy?
Policy can be a tricky word, but it generally refers to a decision or plan of action taken by a government or organisation to ensure a certain outcome. Policy expert Prof. Paul Cairney’s website is a great starting point to learn about what policy is and how policy making and research on policy works in the UK.
Isle of Man
Culture Vannin is the Isle of Man’s main arts development organisation. They are based in St John’s in the centre of the island. Director Dr Breesha Maddrell talks about the specific context of Isle of Man and how they work with the Isle of Man Arts Council and Government. She discusses the importance of language policies and the UNESCO Biosphere project.
Visit Culture Vannin’s website for more information about their work and Manx culture and language.
Download the Isle of Man’s National Development Strategy for Culture and The Arts 2017-2027 from the Isle of Man Arts Council’s website.
Northern Ireland
The Armagh Pipers Club was founded in Armagh in 1966 and is one of the oldest Irish traditional music organisations in Northern Ireland. The club’s secretary, Ciarán Ó Maoláin, talks about the club’s history and long relationship with the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. He describes their work in the context of intercommunity tension and his hopes for policy changes and development in the region.
Visit the Armagh Pipers Club’s website for more information about the club and their annual international piping festival.
Download the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Strategic Plan 2024-2034 from their website.
Further reading
Belfiore, Eleonora. 2022. ‘Is It Really about the Evidence? Argument, Persuasion, and the Power of Ideas in Cultural Policy’. Cultural Trends 31 (4): 293–310. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2021.1991230.
Cairney, Paul. 2022. ‘The Myth of “Evidence-Based Policymaking” in a Decentred State’. Public Policy and Administration 37 (1): 46–66. https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076720905016.
Chaney, Paul. 2015. ‘Parties, Promises and Politics: Exploring Manifesto Discourse on Arts Policy in Westminster, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Elections 1945–2011’. International Journal of Cultural Policy21 (5): 611–30. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2014.943754.
Dowling, Martin. 2008. ‘Fiddling for Outcomes: Traditional Music, Social Capital, and Arts Policy in Northern Ireland’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 14 (2): 179–94. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630802106359.
Foskett, Holly. 2023. ‘Cultural Policy and Arts Engagement for the Working Class in Northern Ireland. Case Study: “The Gert and Friend” Project’. Queen’s Policy Engagement (blog). 2 November 2023.http://qpol.qub.ac.uk/cultural-policy-and-arts-engagement-for-the-working-class-in-northern-ireland-case-study-the-gert-and-friend-project/.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Folk and Traditional (Definitions)’. Simon McKerrell - Research on the Social Impact of Music (blog). 2 June 2014. https://simonmckerrell.com/2014/06/02/98/.
Russell, Zoe. 2023. ‘The Isle of Man Biosphere Reserve: An Entire Nation Approach to Sustainable Development’. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 25 (3): 273–86.https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2022.2099366.
Ruth Keggin and Rachel Hair performed the Manx language song ‘Ny Kirree fo Niaghtey’ from their 2022 album Lossan
Conor Mallon performed ‘Mist from the Moyle’ from his 2023 album Unearthed.
The theme music was ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, performed by Fay Hield and her band from her 2016 album Old Adam.
All music is used with permission from artists and rights holders.
General information
This special series of The Access Folk Podcast was produced as part of the Knowledge Exchange Project, ‘Folk Arts and Policy in the UK’s Devolved Nations and Regions, and the Isle of Man’. The project ran from April to November 2024, and was supported by Policy Support Funding from the University of Sheffield.
Access Folk is a UKRI-funded Future Leaders Fellowship led by Prof Fay Hield at the University of Sheffield. Learn more about Access Folk’s research on folk singing and participation on our website.
The podcast was recorded and produced by Esbjörn Wettermark and Kitty Turner
Episode 2: Wales and England
Welcome to The Access Folk Podcast and our special series on Folk Arts, Cultural Policy and UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. These show notes provide context for the episodes and link to more sources about the topics we cover.
In the second episode Esbjörn Wettemark talks to Danny KilBride from Trac Cymru in Wales and Katy Spicer from the English Folk Dance and Song Society in England. At the start of the episode Esbjörn introduces the role of Arts Councils and their work across the isles.
Arts Councils
Since the 1990s, culture has been a devolved issue in the UK. Over the last 30 years, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Arts Council England, Arts Council of Wales and Creative Scotland, consequently, have developed in different directions. All arts councils – apart from Isle of Man Arts Council, which is more closely connected to the Isle of Man government – are so-called ‘arms-length’ organisations: they all distribute government funding to artists and organisations, provide support, and monitor the work of funded organisations in their areas, but operate independent of direct oversight from government. In the episode, Esbjörn discusses some of the work the arts councils do and introduces the State of the Art report, which provides some comparison of their roles across the isles.
Trac Cymru is a folk arts development organisation supporting both professional artists and community activities across Wales. Director Danny KilBride talks about the organisation's history and their work to engage people with folk arts. He talks about how changes in Welsh language policies have impacted the cultural landscape, and how attitudes could change toward the folk arts. We discuss the evaluation and impact agenda of arts councils (and other funders) and if the data supplied by organisations such as Trac Cymru ever leads to real development of the culture sector.
Visit Trac Cymru’s website for information and resources about their work and Welsh folk arts.
Download the Arts Council of Wales’s Investment Review 2023 Report and Decisions from their website.
The English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS) is England’s largest folk development organisation. Chief executive and artistic director Katy Spicer talks about their work with education and artist development, as well as supporting the folk scene through the Vaughan William Memorial Library. Katy discusses the increasing demand on the arts to prove their worth with politicians and funders, and the changes she has noticed through the years. We also hear about the EFDSS’ own policies and how, for example, their stance against blackface makeup in morris dancing has supported real change within the folk scene.
Visit the English Folk Dance and Song Society’s website for more information and resources, including on music education and research.
Download Let’s Create: Strategy 2020-2030 from the Arts Council England’s website.
Further reading
Allard, Gillian. 2007. ‘Imagined Diversity: Cultural Policy in Wales, 1997–2001’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 13 (1): 71–84. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630701201871.
Campaign for the Arts, and University of Warwick. 2024. ‘The State of the Arts’. United Kingdom: Campaign for the Arts & Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies. https://www.campaignforthearts.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/The-State-of-the-Arts.pdf.
Durrer, Victoria, Abigail Gilmore, and David Stevenson. 2019. ‘Arts Councils, Policy-Making and “the Local”’. Cultural Trends 28 (4): 317–31. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2019.1644795.
English Folk Dance and Song Society. 2020. ‘Time’s up for “Blacking Up”’. EFDSS’ Website (blog). 1 August 2020. https://www.efdss.org/about-us/what-we-do/news/10135-time-s-up-for-blacking-up.
Keegan-Phipps, Simon. 2017. ‘Identifying the English: Essentialism and Multiculturalism in Contemporary English Folk Music’. Ethnomusicology Forum 26 (1): 3–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/17411912.2017.1302809.
Knowles, Tim. 2017. ‘English Folk Law: A Brief Introduction to Pub Licensing’. International Journal of Traditional Arts, no. 1. https://tradartsjournal.ncl.ac.uk/index.php/ijta/article/view/13.
Marsden, Richard. 2024. ‘Heritage, Identity and the Creative Arts in the South Wales Valleys’. National Identities 0 (0): 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1080/14608944.2023.2299972.
Merryclough, James. 2023. ‘Celebrating 20 Years since Morris Dancing Was Rescued from the Licensing Act - Tradfolk’. Tradfolk.Co (blog). 19 October 2023. https://tradfolk.co/performance/morris-dancing/celebrating-20-years-since-morris-dancing-was-rescued-from-the-licensing-act/.
Cerys Hafana performed the Welsh language song ‘Hen Garol Haf’ from their 2022 album Edyf.
Nick Hart and Tom Moore performed ‘The Colour of Amber’ from their 2023 Album The Colour of Amber.
The theme music was ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, performed by Fay Hield and her band from her 2016 album Old Adam.
All music is used with permission from artists and rights holders.
General information
This special series of The Access Folk Podcast was produced as part of the Knowledge Exchange Project, ‘Folk Arts and Policy in the UK’s Devolved Nations and Regions, and the Isle of Man’. The project ran from April to November 2024, and was supported by Policy Support Funding from the University of Sheffield.
Access Folk is a UKRI-funded Future Leaders Fellowship led by Prof Fay Hield at the University of Sheffield. Learn more about Access Folk’s research on folk singing and participation on our website.
The podcast was recorded and produced by Esbjörn Wettermark and Kitty Turner.
Episode 3: Scotland and the Convention
Welcome to The Access Folk Podcast and our special series on Folk Arts, Cultural Policy and UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. These show notes provide context for the episodes and link to more sources about the topics we cover.
In this third and last episode, Esbjörn Wettemark talks to Steve Byrne from Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland and shares a recording from the project's final workshop at the University of Sheffield. At the start of the episode Esbjörn introduces UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the current discussion around its implementation across the UK.
The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
The Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage is a framework developed by UNESCO to safeguard cultural practices across the globe. In short, the Convention asks state signatories to compile an inventory of the intangible cultural heritage within their borders and create strategies for safeguarding these practices for future generations. The UK is a late signatory of the Convention, which entered into force in the UK in June 2024. Esbjörn introduces the initial discussions around the implementation but, as of October 2024, formal guidelines are still being worked on by the UK’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
Read more about the Convention and browse UNESCO’s lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage on their website.
Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland (TRACS) director Steve Byrne introduces the work of their three forums on music, dance, and storytelling. He talks about key reports that have influenced how they work, and gives examples of how some government policies, for example on minority languages, are relevant for the folk arts. Even before the UK’s ratification, TRACS has supported Intangible Cultural Heritage policies in Scotland for some years. Steve describes a mapping report on Intangible Cultural Heritage he worked on with several partners in the Scottish cultural sector. He also notes TRACS’s recent accreditation as a NGO Advisor to UNESCO on Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Visit Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland's website to read more about their work, including relevant reports and other resources.
Creative Scotland Strategic Framework can be downloaded from their website.
In October 2024 all of the people featured in this podcast series met at the University of Sheffield to discuss the UK’s implementation of the Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage. Dan Woodfield, from the Cornish folk arts organisation Lowender, also joined to share their regional perspectives on folk arts, policy and the Convention. The group noted how being a signatory to the Convention has allowed new conversations and networks to develop, both with policy makers and other arts organisations, even before the work of implementation has really gotten started in the UK. Their discussion highlighted risks with the implementation process, especially the potential for cultural practices with strong organisational backing to be recognised at the expense of equally valuable community practices without clear organisational structures. The group argued that folk arts organisations and their networks have a role to play in supporting an equitable implementation process.
Visit Lowender’s website to learn more about their work and folk arts in Cornwall.
Further reading
Francis, David. 2010. ‘Traditional Arts Working Group Report – January 2010’. Scotland.https://webarchive.nrscotland.gov.uk/20190120050012/http://www2.gov.scot/Publications/2010/01/28100441/14.
House of Lords. 2024. ‘Scrutiny of International Agreements: UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage: 5th Report of Session 2023–24’. HL Paper 69.https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/43438/documents/216057/default/.
Kurin, Richard. 2007. ‘Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: Key Factors in Implementing the 2003 Convention’. International Journal of Intangible Heritage 2:10–20.
Local Voices Community Interest Company. 2021. ‘Mapping Intangible Cultural Heritage Assets and Collections in Scotland’. Scotland: Commissioned by Museums Galleries Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland, and Creative Scotland. https://tracscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Mapping-ICH-in-Scotland-Local-Voices-Aug-2021-w-Logos.pdf.
Lyne, Bethany. n.d. ‘Mapping Intangible Cornish Heritage’. Cornwall: Cornwall 365, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Heritage Trust, FEAST, The Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, Gorsedh Kernow and Lowender Peran.https://www.lowender.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Mapping-Intangible-Heritage-Low-Res.pdf.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Traditional Arts and the State: The Scottish Case’. Cultural Trends 23 (3): 159–68.https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2014.925281.
Tripp, Claire, and Ian Saltern. 2024. ‘ONAN HAG OLL - ONE AND ALL: The Cornish a UK National Minority’. Cornwall: Cornwall Council & Azook Community Interest Company.https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/c30m0joh/the-cornish-a-uk-national-minority-web.pd.
UNESCO. n.d. ‘Text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage’. 2003.https://ich.unesco.org/en/convention.
Iona Fyfe performed the Scots language song ‘Guise of Tough’ from the 2018 album Away From My Window.
The theme music was ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, performed by Fay Hield and her band from her 2016 album Old Adam.
All music is used with permission from artists and rights holders.
General information
This special series of The Access Folk Podcast was produced as part of the Knowledge Exchange Project, ‘Folk Arts and Policy in the UK’s Devolved Nations and Regions, and the Isle of Man’. The project ran from April to November 2024, and was supported by Policy Support Funding from the University of Sheffield.
Access Folk is a UKRI-funded Future Leaders Fellowship led by Prof Fay Hield at the University of Sheffield. Learn more about Access Folk’s research on folk singing and participation on our website.
The podcast was recorded and produced by Esbjörn Wettermark and Kitty Turner.
Sraith speisialta: Ealaín na nDaoine, Polasaí agus an Coinbhinsiún
Eagrán 1: Oileán Mhanann agus Tuaisceart Éireann
Fáilte go dtí The Access Folk Podcast agus ár sraith speisialta ar Ealaíona na nDaoine, Polasaí Cultúrtha agus Coinbhinsiún 2003 EOECNA (UNESCO) maidir le Caomhnú na hOidhreachta Cultúrtha Doláimhsithe. Tugann na nótaí seó seo comhthéacs do na heagráin agus nascann siad le tuilleadh foinsí faoi na hábhair a chlúdaímid
Sa chéad eagrán labhraíonn Esbjörn Wettemark le Breesha Maddrell ó Culture Vannin ar Oileán Mhanann agus Ciarán Ó Maoláin ó Chumann Píobairí Ard Mhacha i dTuaisceart Éireann. Ag tús an eagráin cuireann Esbjörn i láthair na téarmaí ealaín na ndaoine agus polasaí.
Cad é Ealaín na nDaoine?
Níl aon sainmhíniú amháin ann ar an rud is ealaíona na ndaoine. Leoga, úsáideann eagraíochtaí éagsúla atá páirteach sa tionscadal seo téarmaí eile, amhail ealaíona traidisiúnta, nó meascáin amhail ealaíona na ndaoine agus traidisiúin damhsa. Cuireann Esbjörn síos ar an tsainmhíniú an-leathan a úsáidimid, ‘foirmeacha ealaíne agus stíleanna léirithe cultúrtha atá bunaithe ar an tseachadadh béil, a bhfuil ciall iontu do bhaint le háit, agus a ndearcann cleachtóirí orthu mar chuid de chultúr pobail - rud a bhaineann le saol an uile lae seachas a bheith mar chuid d’fhoirm ealaíne institiúidithe’. Is féidir an-mhórán ciall a bheith ag focail mar na ndaoine nó traidisiúnta ag brath ar an chomhthéacs agus is féidir leat tuilleadh eolais faoi seo a fháil san ábhar léitheoireachta breise thíos.
Cad é Polasaí?
Thig le Polasaí a bheith ina fhocal cleasach, ach tagraíonn sé de ghnáth do chinneadh nó do phlean gníomhaíochta atá déanta ag rialtas nó eagraíocht le toradh áirithe a chinntiú. Is túsphointe iontach é suíomh gréasáin an tsaineolaí polasaí an tOllamh Paul Cairney le foghlaim faoi cad é polasaí agus cad é mar a oibríonn ceapadh polasaí agus taighde ar pholasaí sa Ríocht Aontaithe.
Oileán Mhanann
Is é Culture Vannin príomheagraíocht ealaíon Oileán Mhanann. Tá siad lonnaithe in Balley Keeill Eoin (St. John’s) i lár an oileáin. Labhraíonn an stiúrthóir Breesha Maddrell faoi chomhthéacs faoi leith Oileán Mhanann agus an dóigh a n-oibríonn siad le Isle of Man Arts Council agus leis an rialtas. Pléann sí tábhacht polasaithe teanga agus tionscadal Bisféir EOECNA (UNESCO)
Tabhair cuairt ar shuíomh gréasáin le tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoina gcuid oibre agus faoi chultúr agus teanga na Manainnise.
Íoslódáil National Development Strategy for Culture and The Arts 2017-2027 d’Oileán Mhanann ó shuíomh gréasáin ó Isle of Man Arts Council.
Tuaisceart Éireann
Bunaíodh Cumann Píobairí Ard Mhacha in Ard Mhacha in 1966 agus tá siad ar cheann de na heagraíochtaí ceoil thraidisiúnta is sine i dTuaisceart Éireann. Labhraíonn rúnaí an chumainn, Ciarán Ó Maoláin, faoi stair an chumainn agus a gcaidreamh fada le Comhairle Ealaíon Thuaisceart Éireann. Cuireann sé síos ar a gcuid oibre i gcomhthéacs an teannais idir pobail agus an dóchas atá aige go mbeidh athruithe polasaí agus forbairt sa réigiún.
Tabhair cuairt ar shuíomh gréasáin Chumann Píobairí Ard Mhacha le tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoin chumann agus a bhféile idirnáisiúnta píobaireachta.
Íoslódáil Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Strategic Plan 2024-2034 óna suíomh gréasáin.
Ábhar léitheoireachta breise
Belfiore, Eleonora. 2022. ‘Is It Really about the Evidence? Argument, Persuasion, and the Power of Ideas in Cultural Policy’. Cultural Trends 31 (4): 293–310. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2021.1991230.
Cairney, Paul. 2022. ‘The Myth of “Evidence-Based Policymaking” in a Decentred State’. Public Policy and Administration 37 (1): 46–66. https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076720905016.
Chaney, Paul. 2015. ‘Parties, Promises and Politics: Exploring Manifesto Discourse on Arts Policy in Westminster, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Elections 1945–2011’. International Journal of Cultural Policy21 (5): 611–30. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2014.943754.
Dowling, Martin. 2008. ‘Fiddling for Outcomes: Traditional Music, Social Capital, and Arts Policy in Northern Ireland’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 14 (2): 179–94. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630802106359.
Foskett, Holly. 2023. ‘Cultural Policy and Arts Engagement for the Working Class in Northern Ireland. Case Study: “The Gert and Friend” Project’. Queen’s Policy Engagement (blog). 2 November 2023.http://qpol.qub.ac.uk/cultural-policy-and-arts-engagement-for-the-working-class-in-northern-ireland-case-study-the-gert-and-friend-project/.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Folk and Traditional (Definitions)’. Simon McKerrell - Research on the Social Impact of Music (blog). 2 June 2014. https://simonmckerrell.com/2014/06/02/98/.
Russell, Zoe. 2023. ‘The Isle of Man Biosphere Reserve: An Entire Nation Approach to Sustainable Development’. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 25 (3): 273–86.https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2022.2099366.
Chan Ruth Keggin agus Rachel Hair an t-amhrán Mannainise ‘Ny Kirree fo Niaghtey’ (na caoirigh fo shneachta) óna albam 2022 Lossan.
Chan Conor Mallon ‘Mist from the Moyle’ óna albam 2023 Unearthed.
Ba é an ceol téama ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, arna sheinm ag Fay Hield agus a banna óna halbam ó 2016 Old Adam.
Úsáidtear an ceol go léir le cead ó ealaíontóirí agus sealbhóirí ceart.
Eolas ginearálta
Léiríodh an tsraith speisialta seo de The Access Folk Podcast mar chuid den Knowledge Exchange Project, ‘Folk Arts and Policy in the UK’s Devolved Nations and Regions, and the Isle of Man’. Bhí an tionscadal ar siúl ó Aibreán go Samhain 2024, agus fuair sé tacaíocht ó Policy Support Funding ó University of Sheffield.
Tá Access Folk maoinithe ag Future Leaders Fellowship arna mhaoiniú ag UKRI faoi stiúir an Ollaimh Fay Hield ag University of Sheffield. Foghlaim níos mó faoi thaighde Access Folk ar amhránaíocht na ndaoine agus rannpháirtíocht ar ár suíomh gréasáin.
Esbjörn Wettermark agus Kitty Turner a rinne an podchraoladh a léiriú agus a chur i láthair.
Eagrán 2: An Bhreatain Bheag agus Sasana
Fáilte go dtí The Access Folk Podcast agus ár sraith speisialta ar Ealaíona na nDaoine, Polasaí Cultúrtha agus Coinbhinsiún 2003 EOECNA (UNESCO) maidir le Caomhnú na hOidhreachta Cultúrtha Doláimhsithe. Tugann na nótaí seó seo comhthéacs do na heagráin agus nascann siad le tuilleadh foinsí faoi na hábhair a chlúdaímid
Sa dara heagrán labhraíonn Esbjörn Wettermark le Danny Kilbride ó Trac Cymry sa Bhreatain Bheag agus Katy Spicer ó English Folk Dance and Song Society i Sasana. Ag tús an eagráin cuireann Esbjörn i láthair ról na gcomhairlí ealaíon agus a gcuid oibre ar fud na n-oileán.
Comhairleí ealaíon
Ó na 1990í i leith, tá an cultúr ina cheist chineachta sa Ríocht Aontaithe. Le 30 bliain anuas tá Comhairle Ealaíon Thuaisceart Éireann, Arts Council England, Cyngor Celfyddydau (Comhairle Ealaíon na Breataine Bige) agus Alba Chruthachail i ndiaidh forbairt i dtreonna éagsúla. Is comhlachtaí páirtspleácha iad na comhairlí ealaíon go léir, seachas Isle of Man Arts Council, a bhfuil baint níos gaire ag le rialtas Oileán Mhanann: scaipeann siad go léir maoiniú rialtais ar ealaíontóirí agus eagraíochtaí, cuireann siad ar fáil tacaíocht, agus déanann siad monatóireacht ar obair eagraíochtaí maoinithe ina gceantair, ach feidhmíonn siad neamhspleách ar mhaoirseacht dhíreach ón rialtas. San eagrán, pléann Esbjörn cuid den obair a dhéanann na comhairlí ealaíon agus cuireann sé i láthair an tuairisc State of the Art report, a chuireann ar fáil comparáid éigin idir a róil ar fud na n-oileán.
An Bhreatain Bheag
Is eagraíocht forbartha ealaíon na ndaoine é Trac Cymru a thacaíonn le healaíontóirí gairmiúla agus gníomhaíochtaí pobail ar fud na Breataine Bige. Labhraíonn a stiúrthóir Danny KilBride faoi stair na heagraíochta agus a gcuid oibre chun daoine a mhealladh le healaín na ndaoine. Labhraíonn sé faoin dóigh ar imir athruithe i bpolasaithe teanga sa Bhreatain Bheag tionchar ar an tírdhreach chultúrtha, agus an dóigh a bhféadfadh meon daoine athrú i leith ealaíona na ndaoine. Pléimid clár oibre measúnaithe agus tionchair na gcomhairlí ealaíon (agus maoinitheoirí eile) agus an bhfuil na sonraí a chuireann eagraíochtaí mar Trac Cymru ina gcúis riamh le fíorfhorbairt na hearnála cultúir.
Tabhair cuairt ar shuíomh gréasáin Trac Cymru le tuilleadh eolais agus acmhainní a fháil faoina gcuid oibre agus ealaíona na ndaoine sa Bhreatain Bheag.
Íoslódáil Investment Review 2023 Report and Decisions de chuid Cyngor Celfyddydau óna suíomh gréasáin.
Is é English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS) an eagraíocht forbartha chultúr na ndaoine i Sasana. Labhraíonn an príomhfheidhmeannach agus stiúrthóir ealaíne Katy Spicer faoina gcuid oibre le forbairt oideachais agus ealaíontóra, chomh maith le tacú le saol chultúr na ndaoine tríd an Vaughan William Memorial Library. Pléann Katy an t-éileamh atá ag méadú ar na healaíona a bhfiúntas a chruthú le polaiteoirí agus maoinitheoirí, agus na hathruithe atá tugtha faoi deara aici i rith na mblianta. Cluinimid fosta faoi pholasaithe EFDSS féin agus cad é mar atá a seasamh i gcoinne dath dubh a chur ar aghaidh sa damhsa Mhúrach, mar shampla, i ndiaidh tacú le fíorathrú i saol chultúr na ndaoine.
Tabhair cuairt ar shuíomh gréasáin English Folk Dance and Song Society le tuilleadh eolais agus acmhainní a fháil, lena n-áirítear ar oideachas agus taighde ceoil.
Íoslódáil Let’s Create: Strategy 2020-2030 ó shuíomh gréasáin Arts Council England.
Ábhar léitheoireachta breise
Allard, Gillian. 2007. ‘Imagined Diversity: Cultural Policy in Wales, 1997–2001’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 13 (1): 71–84. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630701201871.
Campaign for the Arts, and University of Warwick. 2024. ‘The State of the Arts’. United Kingdom: Campaign for the Arts & Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies. https://www.campaignforthearts.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/The-State-of-the-Arts.pdf.
Durrer, Victoria, Abigail Gilmore, and David Stevenson. 2019. ‘Arts Councils, Policy-Making and “the Local”’. Cultural Trends 28 (4): 317–31. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2019.1644795.
English Folk Dance and Song Society. 2020. ‘Time’s up for “Blacking Up”’. EFDSS’ Website (blog). 1 August 2020. https://www.efdss.org/about-us/what-we-do/news/10135-time-s-up-for-blacking-up.
Keegan-Phipps, Simon. 2017. ‘Identifying the English: Essentialism and Multiculturalism in Contemporary English Folk Music’. Ethnomusicology Forum 26 (1): 3–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/17411912.2017.1302809.
Knowles, Tim. 2017. ‘English Folk Law: A Brief Introduction to Pub Licensing’. International Journal of Traditional Arts, no. 1. https://tradartsjournal.ncl.ac.uk/index.php/ijta/article/view/13.
Marsden, Richard. 2024. ‘Heritage, Identity and the Creative Arts in the South Wales Valleys’. National Identities 0 (0): 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1080/14608944.2023.2299972.
Merryclough, James. 2023. ‘Celebrating 20 Years since Morris Dancing Was Rescued from the Licensing Act - Tradfolk’. Tradfolk.Co (blog). 19 October 2023. https://tradfolk.co/performance/morris-dancing/celebrating-20-years-since-morris-dancing-was-rescued-from-the-licensing-act/.
Chan Cerys Hafana an t-amhrán Breatnaise ‘Hen Garol Haf’ (old summer carol) óna n-albam ó 2022 Edyf.
Chan Nick Hart agus Tom Moore ‘The Colour of Amber’ óna n-albam ó 2023 The Colour of Amber.
Ba é an ceol téama ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, arna sheinm ag Fay Hield agus a banna óna halbam ó 2016 Old Adam.
Úsáidtear an ceol go léir le cead ó ealaíontóirí agus sealbhóirí ceart.
Eolas ginearálta
Léiríodh an tsraith speisialta seo de The Access Folk Podcast mar chuid den Knowledge Exchange Project, ‘Folk Arts and Policy in the UK’s Devolved Nations and Regions, and the Isle of Man’. Bhí an tionscadal ar siúl ó Aibreán go Samhain 2024, agus fuair sé tacaíocht ó Policy Support Funding ó University of Sheffield.
Tá Access Folk maoinithe ag Future Leaders Fellowship arna mhaoiniú ag UKRI faoi stiúir an Ollaimh Fay Hield ag University of Sheffield. Foghlaim níos mó faoi thaighde Access Folk ar amhránaíocht na ndaoine agus rannpháirtíocht ar ár suíomh gréasáin.
Esbjörn Wettermark agus Kitty Turner a rinne an podchraoladh a léiriú agus a chur i láthair.
Eagrán 3: Albain agus an Coinbhinsiún
Fáilte go dtí The Access Folk Podcast agus ár sraith speisialta ar Ealaíona na nDaoine, Polasaí Cultúrtha agus Coinbhinsiún 2003 EOECNA (UNESCO) maidir le Caomhnú na hOidhreachta Cultúrtha Doláimhsithe. Tugann na nótaí seó seo comhthéacs do na heagráin agus nascann siad le tuilleadh foinsí faoi na hábhair a chlúdaímid
Sa tríú heagrán seo, an t-eagrán deiridh, labhraíonn Esbjörn Wettemark le Steve Byrne ó Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland agus comhroinneann sé taifeadadh ó cheardlann deiridh an tionscadail ag University of Sheffield. Ag tús an eagráin cuireann Esbjörn Coinbhinsiún 2003 EOECNA (UNESCO) maidir le Caomhnú na hOidhreachta Cultúrtha Doláimhsithe, agus an plé reatha timpeall ar a chur i bhfeidhm ar fud na Ríochta Aontaithe.
An Coinbhinsiún maidir le Caomhnú na hOidhreachta Cultúrtha Doláimhsithe
Is é atá sa Choinbhinsiún maidir le Caomhnú na hOidhreachta Cultúrtha Doláimhsithe ná creatlach arna fhorbairt ag EOECNA chun cleachtais chultúrtha a chaomhnú ar fud na cruinne. Go hachomair, iarrann an Coinbhinsiún ar shínitheoirí stáit fardal a thiomsú ar an oidhreacht chultúrtha dholáimhsithe laistigh dá dteorainneacha agus straitéisí a chruthú chun na cleachtais seo a chaomhnú do na glúine amach anseo. Is sínitheoir mall ar an Choinbhinsiún í an Ríocht Aontaithe, a tháinig i bhfeidhm sa Ríocht Aontaithe i mí an Mheithimh 2024. Cuireann Esbjörn i láthair na chéad chomhráite maidir leis an gcur i bhfeidhm ach, ó mhí Dheireadh Fómhair 2024 i leith, tá Roinn Cultúir, Meán agus Spóirt na Ríochta Aontaithe fós ag obair ar threoirlínte foirmiúla.
Léigh tuilleadh faoin Choinbhinsiún agus breathnaigh ar liostaí Oidhreachta Cultúrtha Doláimhsithe EOECNA ar a suíomh gréasáin.
Cuireann stiúrthóir Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland (TRACS) Steve Byrne i láthair obair a dtrí fhóram ar cheol, damhsa agus scéalaíocht. Labhraíonn sé ansin faoi phríomhthuairiscí a d’imir tionchar ar an dóigh a n-oibríonn siad, agus tugann sé samplaí den dóigh a bhfuil cuid de na polasaithe rialtais, mar shampla, ar mhionteangacha, ábhartha d’ealaíona na ndaoine. Fiú roimh dhaingniú na Ríochta Aontaithe, thacaigh TRACS le polasaithe maidir le hOidhreacht Chultúrtha Dholáimhsithe ar feadh tamall de bhlianta. Cuireann Steve síos ar thuairisc mhapála ar Oidhreacht Chultúrtha ar oibrigh sé air le dornán compháirtithe in earnáil chultúrtha na hAlban. Tugann sé faoi deara chomh maith creidiúnú TRACS mar Chomhairleoir Eagraíochta Neamhrialtasaí do EOECNA ar Oidhreacht Chultúrtha Dhomhláimhsithe..
Tabhair cuairt ar shuíomh gréasáin Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland's le tuilleadh a léamh faoina gcuid oibre, lena n-áirítear tuairiscí ábhartha agus acmhainní eile.
Is féidir Creative Scotland Strategic Framework a íoslódáil óna suíomh gréasáin.
I mí Dheireadh Fómhair 2024 tháinig na daoine go léir a bhí sa phodchraoladh seo i gceann a chéile sa University of Sheffield le cur i bhfeidhm na Ríochta Aontaithe . an Choinbhinsiúin maidir le hOidhreacht Chultúrtha Dhomhláimhsithe a phlé. Bhí Dan Woodfield, ó oidhreacht ealaíona na ndaoine i gCorn na Breataine, Lowender, i láthair chomh maith chun a léargais réigiúnacha ar ealaíona na ndaoine, polasaí agus an Coinbhinsiún. Nótáil an grúpa an dóigh go rabhthas in ann comhráite agus líonraí nua a fhorbairt mar gheall ar bheith ina shínitheoir ar an Choinbhinsiún, le lucht ceaptha polasaí agus eagraíochtaí ealaíon eile araon, fiú sula bhfuil obair an churtha i bhfeidhm tosaithe i ndáiríre sa Ríocht Aontaithe. Tharraing a bplé aird ar rioscaí a bhaineann leis an phróiseas curtha i bhfeidhm, go háirithe an fhéidearthacht a bhaineann le cleachtais chultúrtha le tacaíocht láidir eagraíochtúil a bheith aitheanta ach cleachtais phobail lán chomh luachmhar a bheith thíos leis gan struchtúir shoiléire eagraíochtúla. D’áitigh an grúpa go bhfuil ról le himirt ag eagraíochtaí ealaíona na ndaoine maidir le tacú le próiseas curtha i bhfeidhm chothromasaigh.
Tabhair cuairt ar shuíomh gréasáin Lowender le tuilleadh a fhoghlaim faoina gcuid oibre agus ealaíona na ndaoine i gCorn na Breataine.
Ábhar léitheoireachta breise
Francis, David. 2010. ‘Traditional Arts Working Group Report – January 2010’. Scotland.https://webarchive.nrscotland.gov.uk/20190120050012/http://www2.gov.scot/Publications/2010/01/28100441/14.
House of Lords. 2024. ‘Scrutiny of International Agreements: UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage: 5th Report of Session 2023–24’. HL Paper 69.https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/43438/documents/216057/default/.
Kurin, Richard. 2007. ‘Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: Key Factors in Implementing the 2003 Convention’. International Journal of Intangible Heritage 2:10–20.
Local Voices Community Interest Company. 2021. ‘Mapping Intangible Cultural Heritage Assets and Collections in Scotland’. Scotland: Commissioned by Museums Galleries Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland, and Creative Scotland. https://tracscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Mapping-ICH-in-Scotland-Local-Voices-Aug-2021-w-Logos.pdf.
Lyne, Bethany. n.d. ‘Mapping Intangible Cornish Heritage’. Cornwall: Cornwall 365, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Heritage Trust, FEAST, The Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, Gorsedh Kernow and Lowender Peran.https://www.lowender.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Mapping-Intangible-Heritage-Low-Res.pdf.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Traditional Arts and the State: The Scottish Case’. Cultural Trends 23 (3): 159–68.https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2014.925281.
Tripp, Claire, and Ian Saltern. 2024. ‘ONAN HAG OLL - ONE AND ALL: The Cornish a UK National Minority’. Cornwall: Cornwall Council & Azook Community Interest Company.https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/c30m0joh/the-cornish-a-uk-national-minority-web.pd.
UNESCO. n.d. ‘Text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage’. 2003.https://ich.unesco.org/en/convention.
Chan Iona Fyfe an t-amhrán Albainise ‘Guise of Tough’ ó albam 2018 Away From My Window.
Ba é an ceol téama ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, arna sheinm ag Fay Hield agus a banna óna halbam ó 2016 Old Adam.
Úsáidtear an ceol go léir le cead ó ealaíontóirí agus sealbhóirí ceart.
Eolas ginearálta
Léiríodh an tsraith speisialta seo de The Access Folk Podcast mar chuid den Knowledge Exchange Project, ‘Folk Arts and Policy in the UK’s Devolved Nations and Regions, and the Isle of Man’. Bhí an tionscadal ar siúl ó Aibreán go Samhain 2024, agus fuair sé tacaíocht ó Policy Support Funding ó University of Sheffield.
Tá Access Folk maoinithe ag Future Leaders Fellowship arna mhaoiniú ag UKRI faoi stiúir an Ollaimh Fay Hield ag University of Sheffield. Foghlaim níos mó faoi thaighde Access Folk ar amhránaíocht na ndaoine agus rannpháirtíocht ar ár suíomh gréasáin.
Esbjörn Wettermark agus Kitty Turner a rinne an podchraoladh a léiriú agus a chur i láthair.
Irish translation by Séamus Mac Conmidhe (seamusmacconmidhe@yahoo.com)
Strane er lheh: Ellynyn y Theay, Polasee as y Coardailys
Episoyd 1: Mannin as Nerin Twoaie
Failt erriu dys The Access Folk Podcast as yn strane er lheh ain mychione Ellynyn y Theay, Polasee Cultooroil as Coardailys UNESCO cour Coadey Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh ‘sy vlein 2003. Ta ny noteyn taishbynys shoh kiarail tooilley fysseree mychione ny hepisoydyn as ta kianglaghyn ayn dys couyryn elley mychione ny cooishyn er nyn imraa.
Ayns y chied episoyd ta Esbjörn Wettermark loayrt rish Breesha Maddrell veih Culture Vannin ayns Mannin as rish Ciarán Ó Maoláin veih Club Poibeyryn Ard Maghey ayns Nerin Twoaie. Ec toshiaght yn episoyd ta Esbjörn cur er enn ny goan ellynyn y theay as polasee.
Cre ta Ellynyn y Theay?
Cha nel un veenaghey er lheh ayn son cre ta ellynyn y theay cheet er. Dy firrinagh, ta shiartanse jeh ny sheshaghtyn ta goaill ayrn ayns y çhalee shoh jannoo ymmyd jeh goan elley lheid as, ellynyn tradishoonagh, ny cochianglaghyn lheid as tradishoonyn kiaull as daunsin y theay. Ta’n meenaghey feer lhean ta shinyn jannoo ymmyd jeh er ny ‘ockley magh liorish Esbjörn myr ‘keintyn dy ellyn as aghtyn soilshaghey cultooroil ta soit er beeal-arrish, lesh ennaghtyn jeh ve cochianglt rish yn voayl, as ta coontit dy ve nyn ayrn jeh cultoor pobble lioroosyn ta cliaghtey ad y yannoo - red ennagh ta cochianglt rish bea chadjin shaghey ve ny ayrn jeh keint dy ellyn ta er ny reill liorish undinys ennagh’. Foddee ny smoo na un cheeayl ve ec goan myr theay as tradishoonagh ta lhie er yn cho-heks as foddee shiu geddyn magh ny smoo ayns ny teksyn fo ‘tooilley fysseree’ heese.
Cre ta Polasee?
Foddee polasee ve ny ‘ockle doillee, agh dy cadjin t’eh çheet er briwnys ny plan ta reiltys ny sheshaght goaill ayns laue cour shickyraghey dy bee eiyrtys er lheh ayn. Ta ynnyd-eggey yn Olloo Paul Cairney, oayllee polasee, ny voayl mie son goaill toshiaght dy ynsagh mychione cre ta polasee as kys ta jannoo polaseeyn as ronsaghey er polaseeyn gobbragh ayns yn RU.
She Culture Vannin yn çheshaght smoo ayns Mannin son lhiasaghey ellynyn. T’ad soit ayns Balley Keeill Eoin ayns mean yn ellan. Ta’n stiureyder Breesha Maddrell loayrt mychione soiaghey er lheh Vannin as kys t’ad gobbragh marish Reiltys Vannin as Coonceil Ellynyn Ellan Vannin. T’ee gimraa scansh polaseeyn çhengey as shalee Biosphere UNESCO.
Cur-jee shilley er ynnyd-eggey Culture Vannin son tooilley fysseree mychione yn obbyr oc as mychione cultoor Vannin as yn ghlare Vanninagh.
Jean-jee Strateysh Toshiaghey Ashoonagh son Cultoor as ny Hellynyn son Mannin y laadey neose voish ynnyd-eggey Coonceil Ellynyn Ellan Vannin.
Nerin Twoaie
Va Club Poibeyryn Ard Maghey currit er bun ayns Ard Maghey ayns 1966 as she nane jeh ny sheshaghtyn shinney ee son kiaull tradishoonagh ayns Nerin Twoaie. Ta screeudeyr yn çheshaght, Ciarán Ó Maoláin, loayrt mychione shennaghys y chlub as mychione yn vooinjerys liauyr marish Coonceil Ellynyn Nerin Twoaie. T’eh cur coontey jeh nyn obbyr as kys ta streeu eddyr ny co-phobbleyn bentyn rish yn obbyr oc as kys t’eh treishteil dy bee caghlaaghyn da polasee ayn as lhiasaghey ayns yn ard.
Cur-jee shilley er ynnyd-eggey Club Poibeyryn Ard Maghey son tooilley fysseree mychione y chlub as nyn veailley bleinoil eddyr-ashoonagh dy phiobberaght.
Jean-jee Plan Strateyshagh Coonceil Ellynyn Nerin Twoaie 2024-2034 y laadey neose voish nyn ynnyd-eggey.
Tooilley fysseree
Belfiore, Eleonora. 2022. ‘Is It Really about the Evidence? Argument, Persuasion, and the Power of Ideas in Cultural Policy’. Cultural Trends 31 (4): 293–310. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2021.1991230.
Cairney, Paul. 2022. ‘The Myth of “Evidence-Based Policymaking” in a Decentred State’. Public Policy and Administration 37 (1): 46–66. https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076720905016.
Chaney, Paul. 2015. ‘Parties, Promises and Politics: Exploring Manifesto Discourse on Arts Policy in Westminster, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Elections 1945–2011’. International Journal of Cultural Policy21 (5): 611–30. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2014.943754.
Dowling, Martin. 2008. ‘Fiddling for Outcomes: Traditional Music, Social Capital, and Arts Policy in Northern Ireland’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 14 (2): 179–94. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630802106359.
Foskett, Holly. 2023. ‘Cultural Policy and Arts Engagement for the Working Class in Northern Ireland. Case Study: “The Gert and Friend” Project’. Queen’s Policy Engagement (blog). 2 November 2023/2 Mee Houney 2023.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Folk and Traditional (Definitions)’. Simon McKerrell - Research on the Social Impact of Music (blog). 2 June 2014/2 Mee Veanagh y Touree 2014. https://simonmckerrell.com/2014/06/02/98/.
Russell, Zoe. 2023. ‘The Isle of Man Biosphere Reserve: An Entire Nation Approach to Sustainable Development’. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 25 (3): 273–86.https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2022.2099366.
Chloie Ruth Keggin as Rachel Hair yn arrane Gailckagh ‘Ny Kirree fo Niaghtey’ veih nyn albym haink magh ayns 2022 enmyssit Lossan.
Chloie Conor Mallon ‘Mist from the Moyle’ veih’n albym echey haink magh ayns 2023 enmyssit Unearthed.
She ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’ va’n kiaull toshee as jerree, er ny chloie liorish Fay Hield as yn possan-kiaullee eck veih’n albym Old Adam haink magh ayns 2016.
Ta ymmyd jeant jeh ooilley yn kiaull lesh kied veih ny kiaulleyderyn as vouesyn ta cummal ny cairyn.
Fysseree cadjin
Va’n strane er lheh shoh jeh The Access Folk Podcast er ny jannoo myr ayrn jeh Shalee Coonrey Tushtey ‘Ellynyn y Theay as Polasee ayns Ashoonyn as Ardjyn Jee-veanit yn RU, as Mannin’. Va’n çhalee goll er voish Mee S’jerree y Niarree dys Mee Houney 2024, as va cooney er ny choyrt liorish Cooney Argidoil cour Pohlldal Polasee voish Ollooschoill Sheffield.
Ta Access Folk geddyn cooney argidoil veih Co-olteynys Leeideilee Ry-heet UKRI ta er ny leeideil liorish yn Olloo Fay Hield ec Ollooschoill Sheffield.Ynsee-jee tooilley mychione ronsaghey Access Folk jeh arraneys tradishoonagh as goaill ayrn er yn ynnyd-eggey ain.
Va’n podchreeley er ny recortyssey as er ny yannoo liorish Esbjörn Wetternark as Kitty Turner.
Episoyd 2: Y Thalloo Vretnagh as Sostyn
Failt erriu dys The Access Folk Podcast as yn strane er lheh ain mychione Ellynyn y Theay, Polasee Cultooroil as Coardailys UNESCO cour Coadey Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh ‘sy vlein 2003. Ta ny noteyn taishbynys shoh kiarail tooilley fysseree mychione ny hepisoydyn as ta kianglaghyn ayn dys couyryn elley mychione ny cooishyn er nyn imraa.
Ayns yn nah episoyd ta Esbjörn Wettermark loayrt rish Danny KilBride voish Trac Cymru ayns y Thalloo Vretnagh as Katy Spicer voish Sheshaght Daunsin as Arraneys y Theay Hostyn ayns Sostyn. Ec toshiaght yn episoyd ta Esbjörn cur er enn yn ayrn ta Coonceilyn Ellynyn cloie as yn obbyr t’ad jannoo fud ny hellanyn.
Coonceilyn Ellynyn
Neayr’s ny bleeantyn 1990, ta cultoor er ve ny chooish jee-veanit ayns yn RU. Myr eiyrtys, car ny jeih bleeantyn as feed shoh chaie, ta Coonceil Ellynyn Nerin Twoaie, Coonceil Ellynyn Hostyn, Coonceil Ellynyn y Thalloo Vretnagh as Nalbin Chrootagh er n’aase er caghlaaghyn aght. Ta dy chooilley choonceil ellynyn - er lhimmey jeh Coonceil Ellynyn Ellan Vannin, ta cochianglt rish Reiltys Vannin er aght sniessey - ny sheshaght ‘arms-length’ myr t’ad gra: t’ad ooilley rheynn cooney argidoil veih’n reiltys er ellyneyryn as sheshaghtyn, pohlldal as freayll rick er obbyr sheshaghtyn ta geddyn cooney argidoil ayns ny hardjyn oc, agh t’ad gobbragh er aght seyr veih oaseirys reiltysagh. Ayns yn episoyd, ta Esbjörn loayrt mychione paart jeh’n obbyr ta ny coonceilyn ellynyn jannoo as t’eh cur er enn tuarastyl State of the Art, ta soiaghey noi ry hoi nyn gurrymyn fud ny hellanyn.
Y Thalloo Vretnagh
Ta Trac Cymru ny sheshaght cour lhiasaghey ellynyn y theay ta pohlldal chammah ellyneyryn profeshoonagh as cooishyn co-phobble fud y Thalloo Vretnagh. Ta’n stiureyder Danny KilBride loayrt mychione shennaghys y çheshaght as yn obbyr t’ad jannoo dy hayrn sleih dys ellynyn y theay. T’eh loayrt mychione yn aght ta caghlaaghyn da polaseeyn y ghlare Vretnagh er ventyn rish yn reayrt-çheerey cultooroil, as kys oddagh aghtyn-smooinaghtyn caghlaa mychione ellynyn y theay. Ta shin loayrt mychione yn aght ta coonceilyn ellyn (as sheshaghtyn elley ta cur cooney argidoil) jannoo towse as mychione yn impact agenda oc, as my ta’n fysseree ta sheshaghtyn lheid as Trac Cymru er choyrt dooin rieau leeideil dys lhiasaghey firrinagh jeh’n cherroo chultooroil.
Cur-jee shilley er ynnyd-eggey Trac Cymru son fysseree as couyryn mychione nyn obbyr as ellynyn y theay ‘sy Thalloo Vretnagh.
Jean-jee Scrutaght Baih-Argid 2023 Tuarastyl as Briwnyssyn liorish Coonceil Ellynyn y Thalloo Vretnagh y laadey neose voish nyn ynnyd-eggey.
She Sheshaght Daunsin as Arraneys y Theay Hostyn (EFDSS) yn çheshaght Hostnagh smoo cour lhiasaghey ellynyn y theay. Ta ard-sheckter as stiureyder ellynagh Katy Spicer loayrt mychione nyn obbyr lesh lhiasaghey ynsagh as ellyneyryn, chammah’s pohlldal seihll ellynyn y theay trooid Lioar-hasht Cooinaghtyn Vaughan William. Ta Katy gimraa yn broo ta gaase er ny hellynyn dy resooney yn feeuid oc da politickeyryn as dauesyn ta coyrt cooney argidoil, as ny caghlaaghyn jeu t’ee er ghoaill tastey car ny bleeantyn. Ta shin clashtyn neesht mychione polaseeyn yn EFDSS hene as kys, myr sampleyr, ta’n shassoo oc noi jannoo doo jeh eddinyn ayns Daunsin Mooragh er phohlldal caghlaa firrinagh ayns seihll ellynyn y theay.
Cur-jee shilley er ynnyd-eggey Sheshaght Daunsin as Arraneys y Theay Hostyn son tooilley fysseree as couyryn, goaill stiagh ynsagh kiaullee as ronsaghey.
Jean-jee Let’s Create: Strategy 2020-2030 y laadey neose voish ynnyd-eggey Coonceil Ellynyn Hostyn.
Tooilley fysseree
Allard, Gillian. 2007. ‘Imagined Diversity: Cultural Policy in Wales, 1997–2001’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 13 (1): 71–84. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630701201871.
Campaign for the Arts, and University of Warwick. 2024. ‘The State of the Arts’. United Kingdom: Campaign for the Arts & Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies. https://www.campaignforthearts.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/The-State-of-the-Arts.pdf.
Durrer, Victoria, Abigail Gilmore, and David Stevenson. 2019. ‘Arts Councils, Policy-Making and “the Local”’. Cultural Trends 28 (4): 317–31. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2019.1644795.
English Folk Dance and Song Society. 2020. ‘Time’s up for “Blacking Up”’. EFDSS’ Website (blog). 1 August 2020/1 Y Chied Vee jeh’n Ouyr 2020. https://www.efdss.org/about-us/what-we-do/news/10135-time-s-up-for-blacking-up.
Keegan-Phipps, Simon. 2017. ‘Identifying the English: Essentialism and Multiculturalism in Contemporary English Folk Music’. Ethnomusicology Forum 26 (1): 3–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/17411912.2017.1302809.
Knowles, Tim. 2017. ‘English Folk Law: A Brief Introduction to Pub Licensing’. International Journal of Traditional Arts, no. 1. https://tradartsjournal.ncl.ac.uk/index.php/ijta/article/view/13.
Marsden, Richard. 2024. ‘Heritage, Identity and the Creative Arts in the South Wales Valleys’. National Identities 0 (0): 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1080/14608944.2023.2299972.
Merryclough, James. 2023. ‘Celebrating 20 Years since Morris Dancing Was Rescued from the Licensing Act - Tradfolk’. Tradfolk.Co (blog). 19 October 2023/19 Mee S’jerree yn Ouyr 2023.
Chloie Cerys Hafana yn arrane ayns Bretnish ‘Hen Garol Haf’ veih’n albym oc haink magh ayns 2022 enmyssit Edyf.
Chloie Nick Hart as Tom Moore ‘The Colour of Amber’ veih’n albym oc haink magh ayns 2023 enmyssit The Colour of Amber
She ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’ va’n kiaull toshee as jerree, er ny chloie liorish Fay Hield as yn possan-kiaullee eck veih’n albym Old Adam haink magh ayns 2016.
Ta ymmyd jeant jeh ooilley yn kiaull lesh kied veih ny kiaulleyderyn as vouesyn ta cummal ny cairyn.
Fysseree cadjin
Va’n strane er lheh shoh jeh The Access Folk Podcast er ny jannoo myr ayrn jeh Shalee Coonrey Tushtey ‘Ellynyn y Theay as Polasee ayns Ashoonyn as Ardjyn Jee-veanit yn RU, as Mannin’. Va’n çhalee goll er voish Mee S’jerree y Niarree dys Mee Houney 2024, as va cooney er ny choyrt liorish Cooney Argidoil cour Pohlldal Polasee voish Ollooschoill Sheffield.
Ta Access Folk geddyn cooney argidoil veih Co-olteynys Leeideilee Ry-heet UKRI ta er ny leeideil liorish yn Olloo Fay Hield ec Ollooschoill Sheffield.Ynsee-jee tooilley mychione ronsaghey Access Folk jeh arraneys tradishoonagh as goaill ayrn er yn ynnyd-eggey ain.
Va’n podchreeley er ny recortyssey as er ny yannoo liorish Esbjörn Wetternark as Kitty Turner.
Episoyd 3: Nalbin as y Coardailys
Failt erriu dys The Access Folk Podcast as yn strane er lheh ain mychione Ellynyn y Theay, Polasee Cultooroil as Coardailys UNESCO cour Coadey Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh ‘sy vlein 2003. Ta ny noteyn taishbynys shoh kiarail tooilley fysseree mychione ny hepisoydyn as ta kianglaghyn ayn gys couyryn elley mychione ny cooishyn er nyn imraa.
Ayns yn trass as yn episoyd s’jerree shoh, ta Esbjörn Wettermark loayrt rish Steve Byrne voish Ellynyn Tradishoonagh as Cultoor Nalbin as t’eh soilshaghey dooin recortys veih keirdlann s’jerree yn çhalee ec Olloo-schoill Sheffield. Ec toshiaght yn episoyd ta Esbjörn cur er enn Coardailys 2003 UNESCO cour Coadey Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh, as yn resooney t’ayn nish mychione cur eh ayns bree fud yn RU.
Yn Coardailys cour Coadey Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh
She crauelagh ta’n Coardailys cour Coadey Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh, v’er ny yannoo liorish UNESCO dy choadey cliaghtaghyn cultooroil feiy ny cruinney. Ayns focklyn giarey, ta’n Coardailys shirrey er fo-screeuderyn steat dy chur ry-cheilley rolley-cooid jeh’n eiraght chultooroil neuventynagh çheu sthie jeh nyn gagliaghyn as strateyshyn y chroo dy choadey ny cliaghtaghyn shoh cour sheelogheyn ry-heet. She fo-screeuder anmagh da’n Choardailys yn RU, haink ayns bree ‘syn RU ayns Mee Veanagh y Touree 2024. Ta Esbjörn cur er enn ny resoonaghyn toshee mychione cur ayns bree yn coardailys agh, neayr’s Mee S’jerree yn Ouyr 2024, ta Rheynn Cultoor, Meanyn as Spoyrt yn RU foast gobbragh er saraghyn formoil.
Lhaih-jee ny smoo mychione yn Choardailys as cur-jee shilley er rolley UNESCO dy Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh er nyn ynnyd-eggey.
Ta Steve Byrne, stiureyder Ellynyn Tradishoonagh as Cultoor Nalbin (TRACS) cur er enn obbyr ny three forumyn oc jeh kiaull, daunsin as skeealaght. T’eh loayrt mychione tuarastylyn scanshoil t’er ve breeoil er yn aght t’ad gobbragh, as t’eh cur sampleyryn jeh kys ta paart dy pholaseeyn reiltysagh, son mac-soyley, mychione myn-çhengaghyn, bentyn rish ellynyn y theay. Eer roish my jagh ad er shickyraghey liorish yn RU, ta TRACS er phohlldal polaseeyn Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh ayns Nalbin rish bleeantyn dy liooar. Ta Steve cur coontey jeh tuarastyl mappal mychione Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh ren eh gobbragh er marish shiartanse dy chommyryn ayns y cherroo cultooroil Albinagh. Chammah’s shen t’eh cur tastey da’n chredjoonaght hooar TRAC er y gherrid dy ve ny Choyrleyder NGO da UNESCO son Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh.
Cur-jee shilley er ynnyd-eggey Ellynyn Tradishoonagh as Cultoor Nalbin dy lhaih mychione yn obbyr oc, goaill stiagh tuarastylyn ta bentyn da shen as couyryn elley.
Foddee Crauelagn Strateyshagh Nalbin Chrootagh ve laadit neose veih nyn ynnyd-eggey.
Ayns Mee S’jerree yn Ouyr 2024 ren ooilley yn sleih ghow ayrn ayns y strane podchreeley shoh meeiteil ec Olloo-schoill Sheffield dy resooney kys ta’n RU cur ayns bree yn Coardailys cour Coadey Eiraght Chultooroil Neuventynagh. Va Dan Woodfield ayn neesht, veih’n çheshaght son ellyn y theay ‘sy Chorn ta enmyssit Lowender, dy hoilshaghey magh ny baghtyn ardjynagh oc jeh ellynyn y theay, polasee as yn Coardailys. Ghow yn possan tastey kys ta ve ny fo-screeuder da’n Choardailys er yientyn coloayrtyssyn noa as jeebinyssyn marish chammah jeantee polasee as sheshaghtyn ellynagh elley, eer roish my vel yn obbyr jeh cur ayns bree yn Coardailys er ghoaill toshiaght ‘syn RU. Hoilshee yn resoonaght oc gaueyn ‘syn obbyr jeh cur ayns bree yn Coardailys, er lheh yn beoyn t’ec cliaghtaghyn cultooroil ta polldal lajer oc veih sheshaghtyn dy ve coontit ny smoo scanshoil na cliaghtaghyn y cho-phobble ta fegooish reagheydys baghtal, agh ta kiart cha feeu. Ren yn possan resooney dy vel ayrn ec sheshaghtyn ellynyn y theay as ny jeebinyssyn oc dy chloie ayns pohlldal process cur ayns bree ta cairal.
Cur-jee shilley er ynnyd-eggey Lowender dy ynsagh tooilley mychione nyn obbyr as ellynyn y theay ‘sy Chorn.
Tooilley fysseree
Francis, David. 2010. ‘Traditional Arts Working Group Report – January 2010’. Scotland. https://webarchive.nrscotland.gov.uk/20190120050012/http://www2.gov.scot/Publications/2010/01/28100441/14.
House of Lords. 2024. ‘Scrutiny of International Agreements: UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage: 5th Report of Session 2023–24’. HL Paper 69.https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/43438/documents/216057/default/.
Kurin, Richard. 2007. ‘Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: Key Factors in Implementing the 2003 Convention’. International Journal of Intangible Heritage 2:10–20.
Local Voices Community Interest Company. 2021. ‘Mapping Intangible Cultural Heritage Assets and Collections in Scotland’. Scotland: Commissioned by Museums Galleries Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland, and Creative Scotland. https://tracscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Mapping-ICH-in-Scotland-Local-Voices-Aug-2021-w-Logos.pdf.
Lyne, Bethany. n.d. ‘Mapping Intangible Cornish Heritage’. Cornwall: Cornwall 365, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Heritage Trust, FEAST, The Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, Gorsedh Kernow and Lowender Peran.https://www.lowender.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Mapping-Intangible-Heritage-Low-Res.pdf.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Traditional Arts and the State: The Scottish Case’. Cultural Trends 23 (3): 159–68.https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2014.925281.
Tripp, Claire, and Ian Saltern. 2024. ‘ONAN HAG OLL - ONE AND ALL: The Cornish a UK National Minority’. Cornwall: Cornwall Council & Azook Community Interest Company.https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/c30m0joh/the-cornish-a-uk-national-minority-web.pd.
UNESCO. n.d. ‘Text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage’. 2003.https://ich.unesco.org/en/convention.
Chloie Iona Fyfe yn arrane ayns Albinish ‘Guise of Tough’ veih’n albym Away From My Window haink magh ayns 2018.
She ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’ va’n kiaull toshee as jerree, er ny chloie liorish Fay Hield as yn possan-kiaullee eck veih’n albym Old Adam haink magh ayns 2016.
Ta ymmyd jeant jeh ooilley yn kiaull lesh kied veih ny kiaulleyderyn as vouesyn ta cummal ny cairyn.
Fysseree cadjin
Va’n strane er lheh shoh jeh The Access Folk Podcast er ny jannoo myr ayrn jeh Shalee Coonrey Tushtey ‘Ellynyn y Theay as Polasee ayns Ashoonyn as Ardjyn Jee-veanit yn RU, as Mannin’. Va’n çhalee goll er voish Mee S’jerree y Niarree dys Mee Houney 2024, as va cooney er ny choyrt liorish Cooney Argidoil cour Pohlldal Polasee voish Ollooschoill Sheffield.
Ta Access Folk geddyn cooney argidoil veih Co-olteynys Leeideilee Ry-heet UKRI ta er ny leeideil liorish yn Olloo Fay Hield ec Ollooschoill Sheffield.Ynsee-jee tooilley mychione ronsaghey Access Folk jeh arraneys tradishoonagh as goaill ayrn er yn ynnyd-eggey ain.
Va’n podchreeley er ny recortyssey as er ny yannoo liorish Esbjörn Wetternark as Kitty Turner.
Manx translation by Paul Rogers (De Linguis)
Sreath sònraichte: Ealainean an t-Sluaigh, Poileasaidh agus an Cunnradh
Eapasod 1: Eilean Mhanainn agus Èirinn a Tuath
Fàilte dhan Access Folk Podcast agus dhan t-sreath shònraichte againn mu Ealainean an t-Sluaigh, Poileasaidh Cultarach agus Cunnradh UNESCO 2003 air Barantachadh Dualchais Chultaraich Neo-stuthaich. Tha nòtaichean nam prògraman an seo a’ toirt seachad co-theacsa airson nam prògram agus tha ceanglaichean ann ri barrachd thùsan fiosrachaidh mu na cuspairean air a bheil sinn a’ coimhead.
Anns a’ chiad phrògram tha Esbjörn Wettemark a’ bruidhinn ri Breesha Maddrell aig Culture Vannin ann an Eilean Mhanainn agus ri Ciarán Ó Maoláin aig Club Phìobairean Ard Mhacha ann an Èirinn a Tuath. Aig toiseach a’ phrògram tha Esbjörn a’ toirt a-steach nan teirmean ealainean an t-sluaigh is poileasaidh.
Dè th’ ann an Ealainean an t-Sluaigh?
Chan eil aon mhìneachadh ann air na tha ealainean an t-sluaigh a’ ciallachadh. Gu dearbh, bidh grunn de na buidhnean a tha an sàs sa phròiseact seo a’ cleachdadh briathran eile, leithid na h-ealainean traidiseanta, no measgachaidhean leithid traidiseanan ceòl dùthchasach agus dannsaidh. Tha am mìneachadh fìor fharsaing a tha sinn a’ cleachdadh air a mhìneachadh le Esbjörn mar ‘chruthan ealain agus stoidhlichean de chur an cèill cultarail a tha stèidhichte ann am beul aithris, aig a bheil faireachdainn de cheangal ri àite, agus a tha air am faicinn le cleachdaichean mar phàirt de chultar an t-sluaigh – rudeigin ceangailte ri beatha làitheil seach a bhith mar phàirt de chruth ealain stèidhichte institiuideach’ Faodaidh iomadh ciall eadar-dhealaichte a bhith aig faclan leithid sluagh no traidiseanta a rèir a’ cho-theach agus gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh mu dheidhinn seo anns na molaidhean leughaidhean gu h-ìosal.
Dè th’ ann am Poileasaidh?
Tha poileasaidh uaireannan na fhacal doirbh, ach mas as trice, tha e a’ ciallachadh co-dhùnadh no plana gnìomhach a ghabhas riaghaltas no buidheann gus amas sònraichte a choileanadh. Tha làrach-lìn an eòlaiche poileasaidh an Àrd-oll. Paul Cairney na dheagh thoiseach tòiseachaidh gus ionnsachadh mu dè a th’ ann am poileasaidh agus mar a tha dèanamh poileasaidh agus rannsachadh air poileasaidh ag obair san RA.
Eilean Mhanainn
’S e Culture Vannin a’ phrìomh bhuidheann leasachadh ealain ann am Manainn. Tha iad stèidhichte ann am Balley Keeil Eoin (St John’s) ann am meadhan an eilein. Tha an stiùiriche Breesha Maddrell a’ bruidhinn air co-theacs sònraichte Mhanainn agus air mar a tha iad ag obair le Comhairle Ealain Eilean Mhanainn agus le Riaghaltas Mhanainn. Tha i a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn cho cudromach ’s a tha poileasaidhean cànain agus pròiseact Biosphere UNESCO.
Faic làrach-lìn Culture Vannin airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mun obair aca agus mu chultar is cànan Mhanainn.
Luchdaich sìos National Development Strategy for Culture and the Arts 2017-2027 aig Eilean Mhanainn airlàrach-lìn Comhairle Ealain Mhanainn.
Èirinn a Tuath
Chaidh Club Phìobairean Ard Mhacha a stèidheachadh ann an Ard Mhacha ann an 1966 agus tha e air aon de na còmhlain ciùil Èireannach traidiseanta as sine ann an Èirinn a Tuath. Tha rùnaire a’ chluba, Ciarán Ó Maoláin, a’ bruidhinn air eachdraidh a’ chluba agus mun dàimh sheasmhach a th’ aca le Comhairle Ealain Èirinn a Tuath. Tha e a’ toirt cunntas air an obair aca ann an co-theacsa còmhstri eadar-choimhearsnachdan agus na dòchasan aige airson atharrachaidhean poileasaidh agus leasachadh san sgìre.
Faic làrach-lìn Club Phìobairean Àrd Mhacha [https://armaghpipers.com/] airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mun chlub agus mun fhèis pìobaireachd eadar-nàiseanta bhliadhnail aca.
Luchdaich sìos Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Strategic Plan 2024-2034 bhon làraich-lìn aca.
Leughadh a bharrachd
Belfiore, Eleonora. 2022. ‘Is It Really about the Evidence? Argument, Persuasion, and the Power of Ideas in Cultural Policy’. Cultural Trends 31 (4): 293–310. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2021.1991230.
Cairney, Paul. 2022. ‘The Myth of “Evidence-Based Policymaking” in a Decentred State’. Public Policy and Administration 37 (1): 46–66. https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076720905016.
Chaney, Paul. 2015. ‘Parties, Promises and Politics: Exploring Manifesto Discourse on Arts Policy in Westminster, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Elections 1945–2011’. International Journal of Cultural Policy21 (5): 611–30. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2014.943754.
Dowling, Martin. 2008. ‘Fiddling for Outcomes: Traditional Music, Social Capital, and Arts Policy in Northern Ireland’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 14 (2): 179–94. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630802106359.
Foskett, Holly. 2023. ‘Cultural Policy and Arts Engagement for the Working Class in Northern Ireland. Case Study: “The Gert and Friend” Project’. Queen’s Policy Engagement (blog). 2 Sultain 2023.http://qpol.qub.ac.uk/cultural-policy-and-arts-engagement-for-the-working-class-in-northern-ireland-case-study-the-gert-and-friend-project/.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Folk and Traditional (Definitions)’. Simon McKerrell - Research on the Social Impact of Music (blog). 2 Ògmhios 2014. https://simonmckerrell.com/2014/06/02/98/.
Russell, Zoe. 2023. ‘The Isle of Man Biosphere Reserve: An Entire Nation Approach to Sustainable Development’. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 25 (3): 273–86.https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2022.2099366.
Chluich Ruth Keggin agus Rachel Hair an t-òran ‘Ny Kirree fo Niaghtey’ ann an Gàidhlig Mhanainn bhon chlàr aca ann an 2022 air a bheil Lossan.
Chluich Conor Mallon ‘Mist from the Moyle’ bhon chlàr aige bho 2023 Unearthed.
Is e an ceòl tòiseachaidh ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, air a chluich le Fay Hield agus a còmhlan, bhon chlàr aice Old Adam (2016).
Tha an ceòl air fad air a chleachdadh le cead bhon luchd-ciùil agus bhon luchd-gleidhidh chòraichean.
Fiosrachadh Coitcheann
Chaidh an t-sreath shònraichte seo den Access Folk Podcast a dhèanamh mar phàirt den Phròiseact Iomlaid Eòlais, ‘Ealainean an t-Sluaigh agus Poileasaidh ann an Dùthchannan agus Roinnean Fèin-riaghlach na RA, agus ann am Manainn’. Ruith am pròiseact eadar an Giblean agus an t-Samhain 2024, agus fhuair e taic bho Mhaoin Taic Poileasaidh aig Oilthigh Sheffield.
Tha Access Folk na Chaidreachas airson Ceannardan san Àm ri teachd maoinichte le UKRI agus air a stiùireadh leis an Àrd-ollamh Fay Hield aig Oilthigh Sheffield. Faigh a-mach barrachd mun rannsachadh aig Access Folk air seinn traidiseanta agus com-pàirteachadh air an làraich-lìn againn.
Chaidh am pod-chraoladh a chlàradh agus a riochdachadh le Esbjörn Wettermark agus Kitty Turner.
Eapasod 2: A’ Chuimrigh agus Sasainn
Fàilte dhan Access Folk Podcast agus dhan t-sreath shònraichte againn mu Ealainean an t-Sluaigh, Poileasaidh Cultarach agus Cunnradh UNESCO 2003 air Barantachadh Dualchas Cultarach Neo-stuthach. Tha nòtaichean nam prògraman an seo a’ toirt seachad co-theacsa airson nam prògraman agus tha ceanglaichean ann ri barrachd thùsan fiosrachaidh mu na cuspairean air a bheil sinn a’ coimhead.
Anns an dàrna prògram tha Esbjörn Wettemark a’ bruidhinn ri Danny KilBride aig Trac Cymru sa Chuimrigh agus ri Katy Spicer aig an English Folk Dance and Song Society ann an Sasainn. Aig toiseach a’ phrògraim tha Esbjörn a’ toirt seachad geàrr-chunntas air àite nan Comhairlean Ealain agus an cuid obrach air feadh nan eilean.
Comhairlean nan Ealainean
Tha cultar air a bhith na chùis thiomnaichte san RA bho na 1990an. Mar sin, thairis air an 30 bliadhna mu dheireadh, tha Comhairle Ealain Èireann a Tuath, Comhairle Ealain Shasainn, Comhairle Ealain na Cuimrigh agus Alba Chruthachail, air fàs ann an diofar dhòighean. Tha na comhairlean ealain uile – ach a-mhàin Comhairle Ealain Mhanainn, aig a bheil ceangal nas dlùithe ri riaghaltas Mhanainn – nam buidhnean ‘leth-eisimeileach’: bidh iad uile a’ toirt maoineachadh riaghaltais do luchd-ealain agus do bhuidhnean, a’ toirt seachad taic, agus a’ sgrùdadh obair bhuidhnean maoinichte sna raointean aca, ach tha iad ag obair gu neo-eisimeileach bho stiùireadh dìreach bhon riaghaltas. Anns a’ phrògram, tha Esbjörn a’ bruidhinn air cuid den obair a bhios na comhairlean ealain a’ dèanamh agus a’ toirt seachad geàrr-chunntas air an aithisg State of the Art, a tha a’ dèanamh coimeas eadar na dleastanasan aca air feadh nan eilean.
A’ Chuimrigh
Tha Trac Cymru na bhuidheann leasachaidh ealain airson ealainean an t-sluaigh a tha a’ cumail taic ri gach cuid luchd-ealain proifeasanta agus gnìomhachd coimhearsnachd air feadh na Cuimrigh. Tha an stiùiriche Danny KilBride a’ bruidhinn air eachdraidh na buidhne agus air an obair aca gus dèanamh cinnteach gum bi daoine an sàs ann an ealainean an t-sluaigh. Tha e a’ bruidhinn air mar a thug atharraichean ann am poileasaidhean na Cuimris buaidh air a’ chruth-tìre chultarach, agus mar a dh’fhaodadh beachdan atharrachadh a thaobh ealainean an t-sluaigh. Tha sinn a’ bruidhinn mu mheasadh agus buaidh nan comhairlean ealain (agus luchd-maoineachaidh eile) agus a bheil an dàta a tha buidhnean leithid Trac Cymru a’ toirt seachad ag adhbharachadh leasachadh an da-rìribh air roinn a’ chultair.
Faic làrach-lìn Trac Cymru airson fiosrachadh agus goireasan mun obair aca agus mu ealainean an t-sluaigh sa Cuimrigh.
Luchdaich a-nuas Investment Review 2023 Report and Decisions aig Comhairle Ealain na Cuimrigh bhon làraich-lìn aca.
Is e an English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS) a’ bhuidheann leasachaidh as motha ann an Sasainn airson Ealainean an t-Sluaigh. Tha an t-àrd-oifigear agus an stiùiriche ealain Katy Spicer a’ bruidhinn mun obair aca a thaobh foghlam agus leasachadh luchd-ealain, a bharrachd air a bhith a’ toirt taic do shaoghal ealainean an t-sluaigh tro Leabharlann Cuimhneachaidh Vaughan Williams. Tha Katy a’ bruidhinn air an iarrtas a tha a’ sìor fhàs bho luchd-poilitigs agus luchd-maoineachaidh gum bu chòir dhaibh luach nan ealainean a dhearbhadh, agus air na h-atharrachaidhean a tha i air fhaicinn tro na bliadhnaichean. Cluinnidh sinn cuideachd mu phoileasaidhean an EFDSS fhèin agus, mar eisimpleir, mun t-seasamh aca an-aghaidh daoine a bhith a’ cur aghaidh-dubh orra ann an dannsa morris agus mar a tha seo air taic a chumail ri fìor atharrachadh ann an saoghal ealainean an t-sluaigh.
Faic làrach-lìn an English Folk Dance and Song Society [www.efdss.org] airson barrachd fiosrachaidh agus ghoireasan, a’ gabhail a-staigh fios mu fhoghlam ciùil agus rannsachadh.
Luchdaich a-nuas: Let’s Create: Strategy 2020-2030 bho Làrach-lìn Comhairle Ealain Shasainn.
Leughadh a bharrachd
Allard, Gillian. 2007. ‘Imagined Diversity: Cultural Policy in Wales, 1997–2001’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 13 (1): 71–84. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630701201871.
Campaign for the Arts, and University of Warwick. 2024. ‘The State of the Arts’. United Kingdom: Campaign for the Arts & Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies. https://www.campaignforthearts.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/The-State-of-the-Arts.pdf.
Durrer, Victoria, Abigail Gilmore, and David Stevenson. 2019. ‘Arts Councils, Policy-Making and “the Local”’. Cultural Trends 28 (4): 317–31. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2019.1644795.
English Folk Dance and Song Society. 2020. ‘Time’s up for “Blacking Up”’. EFDSS’ Website (blog). 1 Lùnastal 2020. https://www.efdss.org/about-us/what-we-do/news/10135-time-s-up-for-blacking-up.
Keegan-Phipps, Simon. 2017. ‘Identifying the English: Essentialism and Multiculturalism in Contemporary English Folk Music’. Ethnomusicology Forum 26 (1): 3–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/17411912.2017.1302809.
Knowles, Tim. 2017. ‘English Folk Law: A Brief Introduction to Pub Licensing’. International Journal of Traditional Arts, no. 1. https://tradartsjournal.ncl.ac.uk/index.php/ijta/article/view/13.
Marsden, Richard. 2024. ‘Heritage, Identity and the Creative Arts in the South Wales Valleys’. National Identities 0 (0): 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1080/14608944.2023.2299972.
Merryclough, James. 2023. ‘Celebrating 20 Years since Morris Dancing Was Rescued from the Licensing Act - Tradfolk’. Tradfolk.Co (blog). 19 Dàmhair 2023. https://tradfolk.co/performance/morris-dancing/celebrating-20-years-since-morris-dancing-was-rescued-from-the-licensing-act/.
Ghabh Cerys Hafana an t-òran Cuimris ‘Hen Garol Haf’ bhon chlàr aca Edyf ann an 2022.
Chluich Nick Hart agus Tom Moore ‘The Colour of Amber’ bhon chlàr aca The Colour of Amber (2003).
Is e an ceòl tòiseachaidh ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, air a chluich le Fay Hield agus a còmhlan, bhon chlàr aice Old Adam (2016).
Tha an ceòl air fad air a chleachdadh le cead bhon luchd-ciùil agus bhon luchd-gleidhidh chòraichean.
Fiosrachadh Coitcheann
Chaidh an t-sreath shònraichte seo den Access Folk Podcast a dhèanamh mar phàirt den Phròiseact Iomlaid Eòlais, ‘Ealainean an t-Sluaigh agus Poileasaidh ann an Dùthchannan agus Roinnean Fèin-riaghlach na RA, agus ann am Manainn’. Ruith am pròiseact eadar an Giblean agus an t-Samhain 2024, agus fhuair e taic bho Mhaoin Taic Poileasaidh aig Oilthigh Sheffield.
Tha Access Folk na Chaidreachas airson Ceannardan san Àm ri teachd maoinichte le UKRI agus air a stiùireadh leis an Àrd-ollamh Fay Hield aig Oilthigh Sheffield. Faigh a-mach barrachd mun rannsachadh aig Access Folk air seinn traidiseanta agus com-pàirteachadh air an làraich-lìn againn.
Chaidh am pod-chraoladh a chlàradh agus a riochdachadh le Esbjörn Wettermark agus Kitty Turner.
Eapasod 3: Alba agus an Cunnradh
Fàilte dhan Access Folk Podcast agus dhan t-sreath shònraichte againn mu Ealainean an t-Sluaigh, Poileasaidh Cultarach agus Cunnradh UNESCO 2003 air Barantachadh Dualchais Chultaraich Neo-stuthaich. Tha nòtaichean nam prògraman an seo a’ toirt seachad co-theacsa airson nam prògram agus tha ceanglaichean ann ri barrachd tùsan fiosrachaidh mu na cuspairean air a bheil sinn a’ coimhead.
Anns an treas prògram, agus am prògram mu dheireadh, tha Esbjörn Wettemark a’ bruidhinn ri Steve Byrne bho Ealainean is Cultar Traidiseanta na h-Alba agus a’ co-roinn clàradh bhon bhùth-obrach mu dheireadh aig a’ phròiseact aig Oilthigh Sheffield. Aig toiseach a’ phrògraim tha Esbjörn a’ toirt seachad geàrr-chunntas air Cunnradh UNESCO 2023 air Barantachadh Dualchais Chultaraich Neo-stuthaich, agus air an deasbad a tha a’ dol aig an àm seo mu bhith ga bhuileachadh air feadh na RA.
Cunnradh air Barantachadh Dualchais Chultaraich Neo-stuthaich
Tha an Cunnradh air Barantachadh Dualchais Chultaraich Neo-stuthaich na fhrèam a chaidh a chruthachadh le UNESCO gus cleachdaidhean cultarail air feadh na cruinne a dhìon. Ann an aithghearrachd, tha an Cunnradh ag iarraidh air stàitean a tha air a shoidhnigeadh clàr a chur ri chèile den dualchas chultarail neo-stuthach taobh a-staigh nan crìochan aca agus ro-innleachdan a chruthachadh gus na cleachdaidhean sin a dhìon do na ginealaichean ri teachd. Chuir an RA ainm ris a’ Chunnradh greis às dèidh dha a bhith air fhoillseachadh agus chaidh a chur an gnìomh san RA san Ògmhios 2024. Tha Esbjörn a’ toirt seachad geàrr-chunntas air na còmhraidhean tòiseachail mu bhuileachadh ach, san Dàmhair 2024, bha Roinn Cultar, Meadhanan is Spòrs na RA fhathast ag obair air stiùireadh foirmeil.
Leugh barrachd mun Chunnradh agus thoir sùil air liostaichean UNESCO air Dualchas Cultarach Neo-stuthach air an làraich-lìn aca.
Bidh stiùiriche Ealainean is Cultar Traidiseanta na h-Alba (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland - TRACS) Steve Byrne a’ toirt geàrr-chunntas seachad air obair nan trì fòraman aca air ceòl, dannsa, agus seanchas. Tha e a’ bruidhinn air prìomh aithisgean a thug buaidh air mar a tha iad ag obair, agus tha e a’ toirt seachad eisimpleirean air mar a tha cuid de phoileasaidhean riaghaltais, mar eisimpleir air mion-chànanan, buntainneach do dh’ealainean an t-sluaigh. Fiù ’s mus deach a dhaingneachadh leis an RA, tha TRACS air taic a thoirt do phoileasaidhean Dualchas Cultarach Neo-stuthach ann an Alba fad grunn bhliadhnaichean. Tha Steve a’ toirt cunntas air aithisg mapaidh air Dualchas Cultaraich Neo-stuthach anns an robh e an sàs còmhla ri grunn chom-pàirtichean eile ann an roinn chultarail na h-Alba. Tha e cuideachd a’ toirt fa-near gun d’ fhuair TRACS inbhe mar Chomhairliche NGO do UNESCO air Dualchas Cultarach Neo-stuthach.
Faic làrach-lìn Ealainean is Cultar Traidiseanta na h-Alba gus barrachd a leughadh mun obair aca, a’ gabhail a-steach aithisgean iomchaidh agus goireasan eile.
Faodar Frèam Ro-innleachdail Alba Chruthachail a luchdachadh a-nuas bhon làraich-lìn aca.
Anns an Dàmhair 2024 choinnich a h-uile duine a nochd san t-sreath phod-chraolaidhean seo aig Oilthigh Sheffield gus beachdachadh air buileachadh na RA den Chunnradh air Barantachadh Dualchais Chultaraich Neo-stuthaich. Thàinig Dan Woodfield, bhon bhuidhinn ealainean sluaigh Chòrnaich Lowender, còmhla rinn cuideachd gus na seallaidhean roinneil aca air ealainean an t-sluaigh, poileasaidh agus air a’ Chunnradh a cho-roinn. Thug a’ bhuidheann fa-near mar a tha luchd-soidhnidh a’ Chunnraidh air còmhraidhean agus lìonraidhean ùra a chur an comas an dà chuid le luchd-dèanamh phoileasaidhean agus le buidhnean ealain eile, fiù ’s mus do thòisich an obair buileachaidh san RA gu ìre mhòr am bith. Thog an deasbad aca cuid de na cunnartan leis a’ phròiseas buileachaidh, gu sònraichte an cunnart a th’ ann gun tèid cleachdaidhean cultarail le taic làidir bho bhuidhnean aithneachadh an àite cleachdaidhean coimhearsnachd a tha a cheart cho luachmhor aig nach eil structaran buidhne soilleir. Bha a’ bhuidheann den bheachd gu bheil àite aig buidhnean ealainean an t-sluaigh agus na lìonraidhean aca ann a bhith a’ cumail taic ri pròiseas buileachaidh cothromach.
Faic làrach-lìn Lowender airson barrachd fiosrachaidh agus mun obair aca agus mu ealainean an t-sluaigh sa Chòrn.
Leughadh a bharrachd
Francis, David. 2010. ‘Traditional Arts Working Group Report – January 2010’. Scotland.https://webarchive.nrscotland.gov.uk/20190120050012/http://www2.gov.scot/Publications/2010/01/28100441/14.
House of Lords. 2024. ‘Scrutiny of International Agreements: UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage: 5th Report of Session 2023–24’. HL Paper 69.https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/43438/documents/216057/default/.
Kurin, Richard. 2007. ‘Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: Key Factors in Implementing the 2003 Convention’. International Journal of Intangible Heritage 2:10–20.
Local Voices Community Interest Company. 2021. ‘Mapping Intangible Cultural Heritage Assets and Collections in Scotland’. Scotland: Commissioned by Museums Galleries Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland, and Creative Scotland. https://tracscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Mapping-ICH-in-Scotland-Local-Voices-Aug-2021-w-Logos.pdf.
Lyne, Bethany. n.d. ‘Mapping Intangible Cornish Heritage’. Cornwall: Cornwall 365, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Heritage Trust, FEAST, The Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, Gorsedh Kernow and Lowender Peran.https://www.lowender.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Mapping-Intangible-Heritage-Low-Res.pdf.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Traditional Arts and the State: The Scottish Case’. Cultural Trends 23 (3): 159–68.https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2014.925281.
Tripp, Claire, and Ian Saltern. 2024. ‘ONAN HAG OLL - ONE AND ALL: The Cornish a UK National Minority’. A’ Chòrn: Cornwall Council & Azook Community Interest Company.https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/c30m0joh/the-cornish-a-uk-national-minority-web.pd.
UNESCO. n.d. ‘Text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage’. 2003.https://ich.unesco.org/en/convention.
Ghabh Iona Fyfe an t-òran Scots ‘Guise of Tough’ bhon chlàr aice bho 2018 album Away From My Window.
Is e an ceòl tòiseachaidh ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, air a chluich le Fay Hield agus a còmhlan, bhon chlàr aice Old Adam (2016).
Tha an ceòl air fad air a chleachdadh le cead bhon luchd-ciùil agus bhon luchd-gleidhidh chòraichean.
Fiosrachadh Coitcheann
Chaidh an t-sreath shònraichte seo den Access Folk Podcast a dhèanamh mar phàirt den Phròiseact Iomlaid Eòlais, ‘Ealainean an t-Sluaigh agus Poileasaidh ann an Dùthchannan agus Roinnean Fèin-riaghlach na RA, agus ann am Manainn’. Ruith am pròiseact eadar an Giblean agus an t-Samhain 2024, agus fhuair e taic bho Mhaoin Taic Poileasaidh aig Oilthigh Sheffield.
Tha Access Folk na Chaidreachas airson Ceannardan san Àm ri teachd maoinichte le UKRI agus air a stiùireadh leis an Àrd-ollamh Fay Hield aig Oilthigh Sheffield. Faigh a-mach barrachd mun rannsachadh aig Access Folk air seinn traidiseanta agus com-pàirteachadh air an làraich-lìn againn.
Chaidh am pod-chraoladh a chlàradh agus a riochdachadh le Esbjörn Wettermark agus Kitty Turner.
Scottish Gaelic translation by Alasdair MacCaluim
Rair series: Folk Airts, Policie an ‘e Convention
Episode 1: Isle o Man an Norn Iron
Welcam tae The Access Folk Podcast an oor rair series on Folk Airts, Cultural Policie and UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The show scrievins ablo gie backgrun fur the episodes and link tae mair sources aboot e topics we ging ower.
In episode ane Esbjörn Wettemark spits tae Breesha Maddrell fae Culture Vannin oan ‘e Isle o Man andCiarán Ó Maoláin fae Armagh Pipers Club in Norn Iron. At ‘e stairt o the episode Esbjörn pits forrit e terms folk airts an policy.
Whit is Folk Airts?
There isna ae wey o pittin forrit aa the makkins o ‘e folk airts. In fact, mony o the organisations takkin pairt in es projeck yaise ither terms, sic as tradeetional airts, or a mixter-maxter ae terms sic as folk music an dunce tradeetions. The affa braid meanin wi yaise is pit forrit b’ Esbjörn as ‘airt forms an styles ae cultural expremins thit are grunded in oral transmission, hae a sense ae connecktioun tae place an are thocht o b’ practeisioners as bein pairt o a people’s culture – samthin connecktid tae ivryday life raither than bein pairt o an institutiounalised airt form.’ Wirds like folk or tradeetional can hae a braid wheen o mony meanins depenin oan ‘e backgrun an ye can fin mair kennins aboot yon in e furthour readins ablo.
Whit is Policie?
Policie cin be a giy ficklie wird, bit mair affen than nae refers tae a decisioun or plan o action taen b’ a gouvernement or organisation tae enshuire a certain ootcam. Policie expert Prof. Paul Cairney’s wabsteid is a braw stairtin pint tae lairn aboot whit policie is and hou policie makin an resairch oan policie warks in ‘e UK.
Isle o Man
Culture Vannin is ‘e Isle o Man’s main airts developmint organisation. They are biggit in St John’s in ‘e ceinter ae the island. Director Breesha Maddrell spiks aboot the specific context ae Isle o Man an hou they wark wi the Isle of Man Arts Council and Gouvernement. She gies speirins aboot the importance ae leid policies an ‘e UNESCO Biosphere projeck.
Ging tae Culture Vannin’s wabsteid fur mair information aboot their wark and Manx culture an leid.
Doonload ‘e Isle of Man’s National Development Strategy for Culture and The Arts 2017-2027 fae the Isle of Man Arts Council’s wabsteid.
Norn Iron
The Armagh Pipers Club wis foundit in Armagh in 1966 and is ane ae ‘e auldest Irish tradeetional music organisations in Norn Iron. The club’s secretar, Ciarán Ó Maoláin, spiks aboot the club’s historie and lang relationship wi the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. He describes their wark in ‘e context ae tensions atween communities an his houps fur policie chynges an developmint in ‘e region.
Ging tae ‘e Armagh Pipers Club’s wabsteid fur mair information aboot ‘e club an their annual international pipin festival.
Doonload ‘e Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Strategic Plan 2024-2034 fae their wabsteid.
Furthour readin
Belfiore, Eleonora. 2022. ‘Is It Really about the Evidence? Argument, Persuasion, and the Power of Ideas in Cultural Policy’. Cultural Trends 31 (4): 293–310. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2021.1991230.
Cairney, Paul. 2022. ‘The Myth of “Evidence-Based Policymaking” in a Decentred State’. Public Policy and Administration 37 (1): 46–66. https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076720905016.
Chaney, Paul. 2015. ‘Parties, Promises and Politics: Exploring Manifesto Discourse on Arts Policy in Westminster, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Elections 1945–2011’. International Journal of Cultural Policy21 (5): 611–30. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2014.943754.
Dowling, Martin. 2008. ‘Fiddling for Outcomes: Traditional Music, Social Capital, and Arts Policy in Northern Ireland’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 14 (2): 179–94. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630802106359.
Foskett, Holly. 2023. ‘Cultural Policy and Arts Engagement for the Working Class in Northern Ireland. Case Study: “The Gert and Friend” Project’. Queen’s Policy Engagement (blog). 2 November 2023.http://qpol.qub.ac.uk/cultural-policy-and-arts-engagement-for-the-working-class-in-northern-ireland-case-study-the-gert-and-friend-project/.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Folk and Traditional (Definitions)’. Simon McKerrell - Research on the Social Impact of Music (blog). 2 June 2014. https://simonmckerrell.com/2014/06/02/98/.
Russell, Zoe. 2023. ‘The Isle of Man Biosphere Reserve: An Entire Nation Approach to Sustainable Development’. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 25 (3): 273–86.https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2022.2099366.
Ruth Keggin and Rachel Hair performed ‘e Manx leid sang ‘Ny Kirree fo Niaghtey’ fae their 2022 album Lossan.
Conor Mallon performed ‘Mist from the Moyle’ fae his 2023 album Unearthed.
The theme music wis ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, performed b’ Fay Hield an her baun fae her 2016 album Old Adam.
Aa music is yaised wi permissioun fae airtists an richts hauders.
General information
This rair series o The Access Folk Podcast wis producit as pairt o ‘e Kennins an Exchynge Projeck, ‘Folk Airts an Policie in e UK’s Devolvit Nations an Regions, an ‘e Isle o Man’. The projeck rin fae Aprile tae Novembre 2024, and wis supportit b’ Policie Support Fundin fae ‘e University o Sheffield.
Access Folk is a UKRI-fundit Futur Leaders Fellowship led b’ Prof Fay Hield at ‘e University o Sheffield. Lairn mair aboot Access Folk’s resairch on folksang and participation ower on oor wabsteid.
The podcast wis recordit and producit b’ Esbjörn Wettermark an Kitty Turner.
Episode 2: Wales and England
Welcam tae The Access Folk Podcast an oor rair series on Folk Airts, Cultural Policie and UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The show scrievins ablo gie backgrun fur the episodes and link tae mair sources aboot e topics we ging ower.
In ‘e seicond episode Esbjörn Wettemark spiks tae Danny KilBride fae Trac Cymru in Wales an Katy Spicer fae ‘e English Folk Dance and Song Society in England. At ‘e stairt ae the episode Esbjörn gies backgrun tae the role ae Airts Cooncils an their wark aa ower ‘e isles.
Airts Cooncils
Syne ‘e 1990s, cultur has been a devolvit issue in ‘e UK. Ower ‘e last 30 year, ‘e Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Arts Council England, Arts Council of Wales an Creative Scotland, consequently, hae developit in a wheen ae directions. Aa airts cooncils – apairt fae Isle of Man Arts Council, which is mair tichtly jyned tae ‘e Isle of Man government – are sae-ca’d ‘airms-leinth’ organisations: they aa pit oot gouvernement fundin tae aritists and organisations, gie support, and monitor ‘e wark o fundit organisations in their areas, bit operate independent o direct owersicht fae gouvernement. In ‘e episode, Esbjörn spiks aboot sam ae ‘e wark ‘e airts cooncils dae an introduces ‘e State of the Art report, which gies sam comparison ae their roles aa ower ‘e isles.
Trac Cymru is a folk airts development organisation supportin baith professional airtists and community activities aa ower Wales. Director Danny KilBride spiks aboot the organisation's historie an their wark tae ingage people wi’ folk airts. He spiks aboot hou chynges in Welsh leid policies hae hid impact oan ‘e cultural launscape, an hou attitudes cuid chynge taeward ‘e folk airts. We spik aboot ‘e evaluation an impact agenda of airts cooncils (an ither funders) an if the data gied b’ organisations sic as Trac Cymru iver leads tae real development of the culture sector.
Ging tae Trac Cymru’s wabsteid fur information an resources aboot their wark an Welsh folk airts.
Doonload ‘e Arts Council of Wales’s Investment Review 2023 Report and Decisions fae their wabsteid.
The English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS) is England’s maist muckle folk development organisation. Heid yin an airtistic directour Katy Spicer spiks aboot their wark wi educatioun an airtist developmint as weel as supportin the folk scene throu ‘e Vaughan Williams Memorial Library.
Katy pits forrit ‘e fact thit there is mair an mair demand pit oan the airts tae pruive their wirth tae politicians an funders. Katy spiks aboot the chynges she his notteeced throu ‘e years. Wir telt aboot ‘e EFDSS’ ain policies an hou, fur example, their stunce agin blackface mak-up in morris duncing has supportit real chynge within ‘e folk scene.
Ging tae English Folk Dance and Song Society’s wabsteid fur mair information an resources, including oan music education an resairch.
Doonload Let’s Create: Strategy 2020-2030 fae ‘e Arts Council England’s wabsteid.
Furthour readin
Allard, Gillian. 2007. ‘Imagined Diversity: Cultural Policy in Wales, 1997–2001’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 13 (1): 71–84. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630701201871.
Campaign for the Arts, and University of Warwick. 2024. ‘The State of the Arts’. United Kingdom: Campaign for the Arts & Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies. https://www.campaignforthearts.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/The-State-of-the-Arts.pdf.
Durrer, Victoria, Abigail Gilmore, and David Stevenson. 2019. ‘Arts Councils, Policy-Making and “the Local”’. Cultural Trends 28 (4): 317–31. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2019.1644795.
English Folk Dance and Song Society. 2020. ‘Time’s up for “Blacking Up”’. EFDSS’ website (blog). 1 August 2020. https://www.efdss.org/about-us/what-we-do/news/10135-time-s-up-for-blacking-up.
Keegan-Phipps, Simon. 2017. ‘Identifying the English: Essentialism and Multiculturalism in Contemporary English Folk Music’. Ethnomusicology Forum 26 (1): 3–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/17411912.2017.1302809.
Knowles, Tim. 2017. ‘English Folk Law: A Brief Introduction to Pub Licensing’. International Journal of Traditional Arts, no. 1. https://tradartsjournal.ncl.ac.uk/index.php/ijta/article/view/13.
Marsden, Richard. 2024. ‘Heritage, Identity and the Creative Arts in the South Wales Valleys’. National Identities 0 (0): 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1080/14608944.2023.2299972.
Merryclough, James. 2023. ‘Celebrating 20 Years since Morris Dancing Was Rescued from the Licensing Act - Tradfolk’. Tradfolk.Co (blog). 19 October 2023. https://tradfolk.co/performance/morris-dancing/celebrating-20-years-since-morris-dancing-was-rescued-from-the-licensing-act/.
Cerys Hafana performed ‘e Welsh leid sang ‘Hen Garol Haf’ fae their 2022 album Edyf.
Nick Hart an Tom Moore performed ‘The Colour of Amber’ fae their 2023 Album The Colour of Amber.
The theme music wis ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, performed b’ Fay Hield an her baun fae her 2016 album Old Adam.
Aa music is yaised wi permissioun fae airtists an richts hauders.
General information
This rair series o The Access Folk Podcast wis producit as pairt o ‘e Kennins an Exchynge Projeck, ‘Folk Airts an Policie in e UK’s Devolvit Nations an Regions, an ‘e Isle o Man’. The projeck rin fae Aprile tae Novembre 2024, and wis supportit b’ Policie Support Fundin fae ‘e University o Sheffield.
Access Folk is a UKRI-fundit Futur Leaders Fellowship led b’ Prof Fay Hield at ‘e University o Sheffield. Lairn mair aboot Access Folk’s resairch on folksang and participation ower on oor wabsteid.
The podcast wis recordit and producit b’ Esbjörn Wettermark an Kitty Turner.
Episode 3: Scotland an ‘e Convention
Welcam tae The Access Folk Podcast an oor rair series on Folk Airts, Cultural Policie and UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The show scrievins ablo gie backgrun fur the episodes and link tae mair sources aboot e topics we ging ower.
In ‘is third an last episode, Esbjörn Wettemark spiks tae Steve Byrne fae Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland an shares a recordin fae ‘e projecks final warkshoap at ‘e University of Sheffield. At ‘e stairt o ‘e episode Esbjörn pits forrit UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, an ‘e maist up tae date speirins aroon its’ implementation ower the UK.
The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
The Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage is a framewark developit by UNESCO tae saufegaird cultural practices aa ower ‘e warld. In shoart, ‘e Convention speirs state signatories tae pit thegither an inventory o ‘e intangible cultural heritage within their boarders an mak strategies fur saufguairdin these practices fur future generations. Comparit tae ither kintras, the UK wis giy late on signin the Convention. The UK didna sign until 2024, wi the Convention camin intae force in June ae the same year.
Esbjörn spiks aboot the implementation o the Convention houiver, as ae October 2024, formal guidelines are still bein wrocht oan b’ ‘e UK’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
Read mair aboot the Convencioun an glisk throu UNESCO’s lists o Intangible Cultural Heritage oan their wabsteid.
Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland (TRACS) heid yin Steve Byrne introduces ‘e wark o their three forums on music, dunce, and storytellin. He spiks aboot key reports thit hae hid an effect on hou they wark, an gies examples o hou sam gouvernement policies, fur example on minority leids, are relevant fur the folk airts. Even afore ‘e UK’s ratification, TRACS his supportit Intangible Cultural Heritage policies in Scotland fur mony years. Steve spiks o a mappin report oan Intangible Cultural Heritage he wrocht oan wi saiveral pairtners in ‘e Scottish cultural sector. He also notes TRACS’s recent accreditation as a NGO Advisor tae UNESCO oan Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Ging tae Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland's wabsteid tae read mair aboot their wark, as weel as relevant reports an ither resources.
Creative Scotland Strategic Framework can be doonloadit fae their wabsteid.
In October 2024 aa o the people fa featured in ‘is podcast series git thegither at the University of Sheffield tae blether an speir ower ‘e UK’s implementation o ‘e Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage. Dan Woodfield, fae ‘e Cornish folk airts organisation Lowender, also jyned tae shair their regional perspectives oan folk airts, policie an ‘e Convention.
The group spak aboot hou bein a subscrivar tae ‘e Convention has gien wey tae bletherins an netwarks tae develop, baith wi policy makkers an ither airts organisations, even afore ‘e wark ae pittin ‘e Convention intae place has really git stairted in ‘e UK.
Their bletherins hiechlichted reisks wi ‘e implementation proces, peculiarlie ‘e potential fur cultural practeises wi strang organizaciounal backin tae be recogneised aheid o ither equally valuable community practeises thit dinna hae clear organizaciounal structures. The group thraiped thit folk airts organizaciouns an their netwarks hae a role tae pley in supportin an heizin up an equitabill implementation proces.
Ging tae Lowender’s wabsteid tae lairn mair aboot their wark an folk airts in Cornwall.
Furthour readin
Francis, David. 2010. ‘Traditional Arts Working Group Report – January 2010’. Scotland.https://webarchive.nrscotland.gov.uk/20190120050012/http://www2.gov.scot/Publications/2010/01/28100441/14.
House of Lords. 2024. ‘Scrutiny of International Agreements: UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage: 5th Report of Session 2023–24’. HL Paper 69.https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/43438/documents/216057/default/.
Kurin, Richard. 2007. ‘Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: Key Factors in Implementing the 2003 Convention’. International Journal of Intangible Heritage 2:10–20.
Local Voices Community Interest Company. 2021. ‘Mapping Intangible Cultural Heritage Assets and Collections in Scotland’. Scotland: Commissioned by Museums Galleries Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland, and Creative Scotland. https://tracscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Mapping-ICH-in-Scotland-Local-Voices-Aug-2021-w-Logos.pdf.
Lyne, Bethany. n.d. ‘Mapping Intangible Cornish Heritage’. Cornwall: Cornwall 365, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Heritage Trust, FEAST, The Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, Gorsedh Kernow and Lowender Peran.https://www.lowender.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Mapping-Intangible-Heritage-Low-Res.pdf.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Traditional Arts and the State: The Scottish Case’. Cultural Trends 23 (3): 159–68.https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2014.925281.
Tripp, Claire, and Ian Saltern. 2024. ‘ONAN HAG OLL - ONE AND ALL: The Cornish a UK National Minority’. Cornwall: Cornwall Council & Azook Community Interest Company.https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/c30m0joh/the-cornish-a-uk-national-minority-web.pd.
UNESCO. n.d. ‘Text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage’. 2003.https://ich.unesco.org/en/convention.
Iona Fyfe performed ‘e Scots leid sang ‘Guise of Tough’ fae the 2018 album Away From My Window.
The theme music wis ‘Old Adam (Reprise)’, performed b’ Fay Hield an her baun fae her 2016 album Old Adam.
Aa music is yaised wi permissioun fae airtists an richts hauders.
General information
This rair series o The Access Folk Podcast wis producit as pairt o ‘e Kennins an Exchynge Projeck, ‘Folk Airts an Policie in e UK’s Devolvit Nations an Regions, an ‘e Isle o Man’. The projeck rin fae Aprile tae Novembre 2024, and wis supportit b’ Policie Support Fundin fae ‘e University o Sheffield.
Access Folk is a UKRI-fundit Futur Leaders Fellowship led b’ Prof Fay Hield at ‘e University o Sheffield. Lairn mair aboot Access Folk’s resairch on folksang and participation ower on oor wabsteid.
The podcast wis recordit and producit b’ Esbjörn Wettermark an Kitty Turner.
Scots translation by Iona Fyfe
Cyfres arbennig: Celfyddydau Gwerin, Polisi a'r Confensiwn
Pennod 1: Ynys Manaw a Gogledd Iwerddon
Croeso i The Access Folk Podcast a'n cyfres arbennig ar Gelfyddydau Gwerin, Polisi Diwylliannol a Chonfensiwn 2003 UNESCO ar gyfer Diogelu Treftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol. Mae'r nodiadau sioe hyn yn rhoi cyd-destun ar gyfer y penodau ac yn rhoi dolenni i fwy o ffynonellau am y pynciau yr ydym yn ymdrin â nhw.
Yn y bennod gyntaf mae Esbjörn Wettemark yn siarad â Breesha Maddress o Culture Vannin ar Ynys Manaw a Ciarán Ó Maoláin o Armagh Pipers Club yng Ngogledd Iwerddon. Ar ddechrau'r bennod mae Esbjörn yn cyflwyno'r termau celfyddydau gwerin a pholisi.
Beth yw Celfyddydau Gwerin?
Nid oes un diffiniad penodol o'r hyn sy'n gyfystyr â'r celfyddydau gwerin. Mewn gwirionedd, mae nifer o'r sefydliadau sy'n ymwneud â'r prosiect hwn yn defnyddio termau gwahanol, megis celfyddydau traddodiadol, neu gyfuniadau fel cerddoriaeth werin a thraddodiadau dawns. Mae'r diffiniad eang iawn a ddefnyddir gennym wedi'u disgrifio gan Esbjörn fel 'ffurfiau celfyddydol ac arddulliau mynegiant diwylliannol sy'n seiliedig mewn trosglwyddiad llafar, sydd ag ymdeimlad o gysylltiad â lle, ac sy'n cael eu hystyried gan ymarferwyr yn rhan o ddiwylliant pobl - rhywbeth sy'n gysylltiedig â bywyd bob dydd yn hytrach na bod yn rhan o ffurf gelfyddydol sefydliadol.' Gall geiriau fel gwerin neu draddodiadol fod â llawer o ystyron gwahanol yn dibynnu ar y cyd-destun a gallwch ddod o hyd i ragor o wybodaeth am hyn y darlleniadau pellach isod.
Beth yw Polisi?
Gall Polisi fod yn air anodd, ond yn gyffredinol mae'n cyfeirio at benderfyniadau neu gynllun gweithredu a gymerir gan lywodraeth neu sefydliad i sicrhau canlyniad penodol. Mae gwefan arbenigwr polisi yr Athro Paul Cairney [] yn lle gwych i ddechrau dysgu am beth yw polisi a sut y mae lunio polisïau ac ymchwil ar bolisi yn gweithio yn y DU.
Ynys Manaw
Culture Vannin yw prif sefydliad datblygu'r celfyddydau Ynys Manaw. Maent wedi'u lleoli yn St John's yng nghanol yr ynys. Mae'r Cyfarwyddwr Breesha Maddrell yn siarad am gyd-destun penodol Ynys Manaw a sut y maent yn gweithio gyda Chyngor Celfyddydau Ynys Manaw a Llywodraeth Ynys Manaw. Mae hi'n trafod pwysigrwydd polisïau iaith a phrosiect Biosffer UNESCO.
Ewch i wefan Culture Vannin i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am eu gwaith a diwylliant Ynys Manaw a Manaweg.
Lawrlwythwch Strategaeth Ddatblygu Genedlaethol Ynys Manaw ar gyfer Diwylliant a'r Celfyddydau 2017 -2027 o wefan Cyngor Celfyddydau Ynys Manaw.
Gogledd Iwerddon
Sefydlwyd Armagh Pipers Club yn Armagh ym 1966 ac mae'n un o'r sefydliadau cerddoriaeth draddodiadol hynaf yng Ngogledd Iwerddon. Mae ysgrifennydd y clwb, Ciarán Ó Maoláin, yn siarad am hanes y clwb a'i berthynas hir â Chyngor Celfyddydau Gogledd Iwerddon. Mae'n disgrifio eu gwaith yng nghyd-destun tensiwn rhyng-gymunedol a'i obeithion am newidiadau i bolisi a datblygiad yn y rhanbarth.
Ewch i wefan Armagh Pipers Club’s i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y clwb a'u gŵyl bibgodau ryngwladol flynyddol.
Darllen pellach
Belfiore, Eleonora. 2022. ‘Is It Really about the Evidence? Argument, Persuasion, and the Power of Ideas in Cultural Policy’. Cultural Trends 31 (4): 293–310. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2021.1991230.
Cairney, Paul. 2022. ‘The Myth of “Evidence-Based Policymaking” in a Decentred State’. Public Policy and Administration 37 (1): 46–66. https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076720905016.
Chaney, Paul. 2015. ‘Parties, Promises and Politics: Exploring Manifesto Discourse on Arts Policy in Westminster, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Elections 1945–2011’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 21 (5): 611–30. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2014.943754.
Dowling, Martin. 2008. ‘Fiddling for Outcomes: Traditional Music, Social Capital, and Arts Policy in Northern Ireland’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 14 (2): 179–94. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630802106359.
Foskett, Holly. 2023. ‘Cultural Policy and Arts Engagement for the Working Class in Northern Ireland. Case Study: “The Gert and Friend” Project’. Queen’s Policy Engagement (blog). 2 November 2023.http://qpol.qub.ac.uk/cultural-policy-and-arts-engagement-for-the-working-class-in-northern-ireland-case-study-the-gert-and-friend-project/.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Folk and Traditional (Definitions)’. Simon McKerrell - Research on the Social Impact of Music (blog). 2 June 2014. https://simonmckerrell.com/2014/06/02/98/.
Russell, Zoe. 2023. ‘The Isle of Man Biosphere Reserve: An Entire Nation Approach to Sustainable Development’. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 25 (3): 273–86.https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2022.2099366.
Perfformiodd Ruth Keggin a Rachel Hair gân iaith Fanaweg ‘Ny Kirree fo Niaghtey’ o'u halbwm 2022 Lossan.
Perfformiodd Conor Mallon ‘Mist from the Moyle’ o'i albwm 2023 Unearthed.
Y gerddoriaeth thema oedd ‘Old Adam (Reprise )', a berfformiwyd gan Fay Hield a'i band o'i halbwm 2016 Old Adam.
Mae'r holl gerddoriaeth yn cael ei defnyddio gyda chaniatâd gan artistiaid a deiliaid hawliau.
Gwybodaeth gyffredinol
Cynhyrchwyd y gyfres arbennig hon o The Access Folk Podcast fel rhan o'r Prosiect Cyfnewid Gwybodaeth, ‘Celfyddydau a Pholisi Gwerin yng Nghenhedloedd a Rhanbarthau'r DU, ac Ynys Manaw '. Cynhaliwyd y prosiect rhwng mis Ebrill a mis Tachwedd 2024, ac fe'i cefnogwyd gan Gyllid Cymorth Polisi gan Brifysgol Sheffield.
Mae Access Folk yn Gymrodoriaeth Arweinwyr y Dyfodol a ariennir gan UKRI dan arweiniad yr Athro Fay Hield ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield. Dysgwch ragor am ymchwil Access Folk ar ganu gwerin a chyfranogiad ar ein gwefan.
Cafodd y podlediad ei recordio a'i gynhyrchu gan Esbjörn Wettermark a Kitty Turner.
Pennod 2: Cymru a Lloegr
Croeso i The Access Folk Podcast a'n cyfres arbennig ar Gelfyddydau Gwerin, Polisi Diwylliannol a Chonfensiwn 2003 UNESCO ar gyfer Diogelu Treftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol. Mae'r nodiadau sioe hyn yn rhoi cyd-destun ar gyfer y penodau ac yn rhoi dolenni i fwy o ffynonellau am y pynciau yr ydym yn ymdrin â nhw.
Yn yr ail bennod mae Esbjörn Wettemark yn siarad â Danny KilBride o Trac Cymru yng Nghymru a Katy Spicer o Gymdeithas Dawns a Chân Werin Lloegr yn Lloegr. Ar ddechrau'r bennod mae Esbjörn yn cyflwyno rôl Cynghorau Celfyddydau a'u gwaith ar draws yr ynysoedd.
Cynghorau Celfyddydau
Ers y 1990au, mae diwylliant wedi bod yn fater datganoledig yn y DU. Dros y 30 mlynedd diwethaf, mae Cyngor Celfyddydau Gogledd Iwerddon, Cyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a'r Alban Greadigol, o ganlyniad, wedi datblygu i gyfeiriadau gwahanol. Mae pob cyngor celfyddydau - ar wahân i Gyngor Celfyddydau Ynys Manaw, sydd â chysylltiad agosach a llywodraeth Ynys Manaw - yn sefydliadau ‘hyd braich‘ fel y'u gelwir: maent i gyd yn dosbarthu cyllid y llywodraeth i artistiaid a sefydliadau, yn darparu cymorth, ac yn monitro gwaith sefydliadau a ariennir yn eu hardaloedd, ond yn gweithredu'n annibynnol ar oruchwyliaeth uniongyrchol gan y llywodraeth. Yn y bennod, mae Esbjörn yn trafod peth o'r gwaith y mae cynghorau'r celfyddydau yn ei wneud ac yn cyflwyno'r adroddiad Cyflwr y Gelf, sy'n rhoi rhywfaint o gymhariaeth o'u rolau ar draws yr ynysoedd.
Mae Trac Cymru yn sefydliad datblygu celfyddydau gwerin sy'n cefnogi artistiaid proffesiynol a gweithgareddau cymunedol ledled Cymru. Mae'r Cyfarwyddwr Danny KilBride yn siarad am hanes y sefydliad a'i waith i ennyn diddordeb pobl yn y celfyddydau gwerin. Mae'n sôn am sut y mae newidiadau ym mholisïau'r Gymraeg wedi effeithio ar y dirwedd ddiwylliannol, a sut y gallai agweddau newid tuag at y celfyddydau gwerin. Rydym yn trafod agenda gwerthuso ac effaith cynghorau celfyddydau (a chyllidwyr eraill) ac a yw'r data a roddir gan sefydliadau fel Trac Cymru byth yn arwain at ddatblygiad gwirioneddol y sector diwylliant
Ewch i wefan Trac Cymru i gael gwybodaeth ac adnoddau am eu gwaith a chelfyddydau gwerin Cymru.
Lawrlwythwch Adroddiad a Phenderfyniadau Buddsoddi 2023 Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru o'u gwefan.
Cymdeithas Dawns a Chân Werin Lloegr (EFDSS) yw sefydliad datblygu gwerin mwyaf Lloegr. Mae'r Prif Weithredwr a chyfarwyddwr artistig Katy Spicer yn siarad am eu gwaith gydag addysg a datblygiad artistiaid, yn ogystal â chefnogi'r sîn werin drwy Lyfrgell Goffa Vaughan William. Mae Katy yn trafod y galw cynyddol ar y celfyddydau i brofi eu gwerth gyda gwleidyddion a chyllidwyr, a'r newidiadau y mae hi wedi sylwi arnynt dros y blynyddoedd. Rydym hefyd yn clywed am bolisïau'r EFDSS ei hun a sut, er enghraifft, y mae eu safiad yn erbyn colur wynebddu ym maes dawnsio morys wedi cefnogi newid go iawn yn y sîn werin.
Ewch i wefan Cymdeithas Dawns a Chân Gwerin Lloegr i gael rhagor o wybodaeth ac adnoddau, gan gynnwys ar addysg ac ymchwil cerddoriaeth.
Lawrlwythwch Let’s Create: Strategy 2020-2030 o wefan Cyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr.
Darllen pellach
Allard, Gillian. 2007. ‘Imagined Diversity: Cultural Policy in Wales, 1997–2001’. International Journal of Cultural Policy 13 (1): 71–84. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286630701201871.
Campaign for the Arts, a Phrifysgol Warwick. 2024. ‘The State of the Arts’. United Kingdom: Campaign for the Arts & Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies. https://www.campaignforthearts.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/The-State-of-the-Arts.pdf.
Durrer, Victoria, Abigail Gilmore, a David Stevenson. 2019. ‘Arts Councils, Policy-Making and “the Local”’. Cultural Trends 28 (4): 317–31. https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2019.1644795.
English Folk Dance and Song Society. 2020. ‘Time’s up for “Blacking Up”’. EFDSS’ Website (blog). 1 Awst 2020. https://www.efdss.org/about-us/what-we-do/news/10135-time-s-up-for-blacking-up.
Keegan-Phipps, Simon. 2017. ‘Identifying the English: Essentialism and Multiculturalism in Contemporary English Folk Music’. Ethnomusicology Forum 26 (1): 3–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/17411912.2017.1302809.
Knowles, Tim. 2017. ‘English Folk Law: A Brief Introduction to Pub Licensing’. International Journal of Traditional Arts, rhif 1. https://tradartsjournal.ncl.ac.uk/index.php/ijta/article/view/13.
Marsden, Richard. 2024. ‘Heritage, Identity and the Creative Arts in the South Wales Valleys’. National Identities 0 (0): 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1080/14608944.2023.2299972.
Merryclough, James. 2023. ‘Celebrating 20 Years since Morris Dancing Was Rescued from the Licensing Act - Tradfolk’. Tradfolk.Co (blog). 19 October 2023. https://tradfolk.co/performance/morris-dancing/celebrating-20-years-since-morris-dancing-was-rescued-from-the-licensing-act/.
Perfformiodd Cerys Hafana y gân Gymraeg ‘Hen Garol Haf’ o'u halbwm 2022 Edyf.
Perfformiodd Nick Hart a Tom Moore ‘The Colour of Amber’ o'u halbwm 2023 The Colour of Amber.
Y gerddoriaeth thema oedd ‘Old Adam (Reprise )', a berfformiwyd gan Fay Hield a'i band o'i halbwm 2016 Old Adam.
Mae'r holl gerddoriaeth yn cael ei defnyddio gyda chaniatâd gan artistiaid a deiliaid hawliau.
Gwybodaeth gyffredinol
Cynhyrchwyd y gyfres arbennig hon o The Access Folk Podcast fel rhan o'r Prosiect Cyfnewid Gwybodaeth, ‘Celfyddydau a Pholisi Gwerin yng Nghenhedloedd a Rhanbarthau'r DU, ac Ynys Manaw '. Cynhaliwyd y prosiect rhwng mis Ebrill a mis Tachwedd 2024, ac fe'i cefnogwyd gan Gyllid Cymorth Polisi gan Brifysgol Sheffield.
Mae Access Folk yn Gymrodoriaeth Arweinwyr y Dyfodol a ariennir gan UKRI dan arweiniad yr Athro Fay Hield ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield. Dysgwch ragor am ymchwil Access Folk ar ganu gwerin a chyfranogiad ar ein gwefan.
Cafodd y podlediad ei recordio a'i gynhyrchu gan Esbjörn Wettermark a Kitty Turner.
Pennod 3: Yr Alban a'r Confensiwn
Croeso i The Access Folk Podcast a'n cyfres arbennig ar Gelfyddydau Gwerin, Polisi Diwylliannol a Chonfensiwn 2003 UNESCO ar gyfer Diogelu Treftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol. Mae'r nodiadau sioe hyn yn rhoi cyd-destun ar gyfer y penodau ac yn rhoi dolenni i fwy o ffynonellau am y pynciau yr ydym yn ymdrin â nhw.
Yn y drydedd bennod a'r olaf, mae Esbjörn Wettemark yn siarad â Steve Byrne o Gelfyddydau Traddodiadol a Diwylliant yr Alban ac yn rhannu recordiad o weithdy olaf y prosiect ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield. Ar ddechrau'r bennod, mae Esbjörn yn cyflwyno Confensiwn 2003 UNESCO ar gyfer Diogelu'r Dreftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol, a'r drafodaeth gyfredol ynghylch ei weithredu ledled y DU.
Y Confensiwn ar gyfer Diogelu'r Dreftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol
Mae'r Confensiwn ar Dreftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol yn fframwaith a ddatblygwyd gan UNESCO i ddiogelu arferion diwylliannol ledled y byd. Yn fyr, mae'r Confensiwn yn gofyn i lofnodwyr gwladwriaethol lunio rhestr o'r dreftadaeth ddiwylliannol anniriaethol o fewn eu ffiniau a chreu strategaethau ar gyfer diogelu'r arferion hyn ar gyfer cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Mae'r DU yn un o lofnodwyr hwyr y Confensiwn, a ddaeth i rym yn y DU ym mis Mehefin 2024. Mae Esbjörn yn cyflwyno'r trafodaethau cychwynnol ynghylch y gweithredu ond, o fis Hydref 2024, mae Adran Diwylliant, y Cyfryngau a Chwaraeon y DU yn dal i weithio ar ganllawiau ffurfiol.
Darllenwch ragor am y Confensiwn a phori rhestrau UNESCO o Dreftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol ar eu gwefan.
Yr Alban
Mae Cyfarwyddwr Celfyddydau Traddodiadol a Diwylliant yr Alban (TRACS) Steve Byrne yn cyflwyno gwaith eu tri fforwm ar gerddoriaeth, dawns ac adrodd straeon. Mae'n sôn am adroddiadau allweddol sydd wedi dylanwadu ar sut maen nhw'n gweithio, ac mae'n rhoi enghreifftiau o sut y mae rhai polisïau'r llywodraeth, er enghraifft y rhai ar ieithoedd lleiafrifol, yn berthnasol i'r celfyddydau gwerin. Hyd yn oed cyn i'r DU gael ei chadarnhau, mae TRACS wedi cefnogi polisïau Treftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol yn yr Alban ers rhai blynyddoedd. Mae Steve yn disgrifio adroddiad mapio ar Dreftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol y bu'n gweithio arno gyda sawl partner yn sector diwylliannol yr Alban. Mae hefyd yn nodi achrediad diweddar TRACS fel Ymgnghorydd Cyrff Anllywodraethol i UNESCO ar Dreftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol.
Ewch i wefan Celfyddydau Traddodiadol a Diwylliant yr Alban i ddarllen mwy am eu gwaith, gan gynnwys adroddiadau perthnasol ac adnoddau eraill.
Gellir lawrlwytho Fframwaith Strategol Creative Scotland o'u gwefan.
Ym mis Hydref 2024 cyfarfu pob un o'r bobl sydd wedi bod yn rhan o'r gyfres hon o bodlediadau ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield i drafod gweithrediad y Confensiwn ar Dreftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol yn y DU. Yn ogystal, ymunodd Dan Woodfield, o'r sefydliad celfyddydau gwerin Cernywaidd Lowender, i rannu eu safbwyntiau rhanbarthol ar y celfyddydau gwerin, polisi a'r Confensiwn. Nododd y grŵp sut y mae bod yn un o lofnodwyr y Confensiwn wedi caniatáu i sgyrsiau a rhwydweithiau newydd ddatblygu, gyda llunwyr polisi a sefydliadau celfyddydol eraill, hyd yn oed cyn i'r gwaith gweithredu ddechrau yn y DU. Amlygodd eu trafodaeth risgiau gyda'r broses weithredu, yn enwedig y potensial i arferion diwylliannol gyda chefnogaeth sefydliadol gref gael eu cydnabod ar draul arferion cymunedol yr un mor werthfawr heb strwythurau sefydliadol clir. Bu i'r grŵp ddadlau bod gan sefydliadau celfyddydau gwerin a'u rhwydweithiau rôl i'w chwarae wrth gefnogi proses weithredu deg.
Ewch i wefan Lowender i ddysgu rhagor am eu gwaith a'r celfyddydau gwerin yng Nghernyw.
Darllen pellach
Francis, David. 2010. ‘Traditional Arts Working Group Report – Ionawr 2010’. Yr Alban.https://webarchive.nrscotland.gov.uk/20190120050012/http://www2.gov.scot/Publications/2010/01/28100441/14.
Tŷ’r Arglwyddi. 2024. ‘Scrutiny of International Agreements: Confensiwn UNESCO ar Dreftadaeth Ddiwylliannol Anniriaethol: 5ed Adroddiad o Sesiwn 2023–24’. Papur 69 Tŷ’r Arglwyddi.https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/43438/documents/216057/default/.
Kurin, Richard. 2007. ‘Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: Key Factors in Implementing the 2003 Convention’. International Journal of Intangible Heritage 2:10–20.
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Local Voices. 2021. ‘Mapping Intangible Cultural Heritage Assets and Collections in Scotland’. Yr Alban: Wedi’i gomisiynu gan Amgueddfeydd Orielau’r Alban, Amgylchedd Hanesyddol yr Alban, Celfyddydau a Diwylliant Traddodiadol yr Alban a’r Alban Greadigol. https://tracscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Mapping-ICH-in-Scotland-Local-Voices-Aug-2021-w-Logos.pdf.
Lyne, Bethany. n.d. ‘Mapping Intangible Cornish Heritage’. Cernyw: Cornwall 365, Cyngor Cernyw, Ymddiriedaeth Treftadaeth Cernyw, FEAST, The Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, Gorsedh Kernow a Lowender Peran. https://www.lowender.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Mapping-Intangible-Heritage-Low-Res.pdf.
McKerrell, Simon. 2014. ‘Traditional Arts and the State: The Scottish Case’. Cultural Trends 23 (3): 159–68.https://doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2014.925281.
Tripp, Claire, ac Ian Saltern. 2024. ‘ONAN HAG OLL - ONE AND ALL: The Cornish a UK National Minority’. Cernyw: Cyngor Cernyw a Chwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Azook.https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/c30m0joh/the-cornish-a-uk-national-minority-web.pd.
UNESCO. n.d. ‘Text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage’. 2003.https://ich.unesco.org/en/convention.
Perfformiodd Iona Fyfe y gân Sgoteg ‘Guise of Tough’ o'r albwm 2018 Away From My Window.
Y gerddoriaeth thema oedd ‘Old Adam (Reprise )', a berfformiwyd gan Fay Hield a'i band o'i halbwm 2016 Old Adam.
Mae'r holl gerddoriaeth yn cael ei defnyddio gyda chaniatâd gan artistiaid a deiliaid hawliau.
Gwybodaeth gyffredinol
Cynhyrchwyd y gyfres arbennig hon o The Access Folk Podcast fel rhan o'r Prosiect Cyfnewid Gwybodaeth, ‘Celfyddydau a Pholisi Gwerin yng Nghenhedloedd a Rhanbarthau'r DU, ac Ynys Manaw '. Cynhaliwyd y prosiect rhwng mis Ebrill a mis Tachwedd 2024, ac fe'i cefnogwyd gan Gyllid Cymorth Polisi gan Brifysgol Sheffield.
Mae Access Folk yn Gymrodoriaeth Arweinwyr y Dyfodol a ariennir gan UKRI dan arweiniad yr Athro Fay Hield ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield. Dysgwch ragor am ymchwil Access Folk ar ganu gwerin a chyfranogiad ar ein gwefan.
Cafodd y podlediad ei recordio a'i gynhyrchu gan Esbjörn Wettermark a Kitty Turner.
Welsh translation by Underline Transcription
Season 1
Folk singers and musicians Joanie Bones and Oliver Cross discuss some of the themes that emerged from the Access Folk research project about participation and inclusion in folk singing in England. Drawing on findings from the research report Accessing Folk Singing in England they interview singers, musicians and educators as well as drawing on their own lived experience to discuss issues around disability, gender, ethnicity and much more.
The Access Folk Podcast is a co-production between Joanie Bones, Oliver Cross and Access Folk, a research project run by Fay Hield and based at the University of Sheffield.
The podcast was produced in 2023 by Esbjörn Wettermark and Rowan Piggott and funded by Access Folk and The University of Sheffield’s Public Engagement Development Fund.
All the music in the Podcast series is used with permission from the artists and copyright holders.
Our theme tune is “Old Adam (Reprise)” from Fay Hield’s album Old Adam (2016, Soundpost Records).
Use the buttons below to find the podcast on your favourite app or scroll down and use the dropdown panes below for a short description of each episode and relevant links / credits.
Episode 1 - Rachel Elliott: The English Folk Dance and Song Society and youth involvement in the folk scene
In this episode Oliver interviews the education director of the English Folk Dance and Song Society about youth engagement, funding and folk singing. Joanie and Oliver discuss the contemporary funding landscape for folk music, how young people first meet folk singing and reflect on their own experiences of first getting involved with folk singing.
In the podcast Rachel talks about The English Folk Dance and Song Society’s youth programmes and their award winning Resource Bank. Joanie mentioned her visits to the Morris Folk Club.
You can learn more about the work of the English Folk Dance and Song Society by following them on social media. @TheEfdss
Music in the episode:
Old Abigail's Delight / Granny's performed by the National Youth Folk Ensemble (2018, EFDSS); and, “Old Adam (Reprise)” from Fay Hield’s album Old Adam (2016, Soundpost Records).
All music used with permission from the artists and copyright holders.
Episode 2 - John Kelly: Music, disability and access as creativity
In this episode Oliver interviews musician and disability activist John Kelly about his music, growing up with singing in a London-Irish family, getting involved with the folk scene and access. Drawing on the interview and their own lived experience Joanie and Oliver discuss how disability and neurodiversity is experienced within the folk scene in England.
John and Oliver both talked about the Social Model of Disability. You can learn more about John’s work and music on his website and through social media @JK_Musician.
Music in the episode:
“Nobody Sings about My Heroes” from John Kelly’s album Better Late Than Never (2022); and, “Old Adam (Reprise)” from Fay Hield’s album Old Adam (2016, Soundpost Records).
All music used with permission from the artists and copyright holders.
Episode 3 - Marie Bashiru: Race and belonging in folk music
In this episode Joanie interviews musician and ethnomusicologist Marie Bashiru about her music, research, and race and ethnicity in the folk scene. Drawing on the interview and their own lived experience Joanie and Oliver discuss race, ethnicity, belonging and feeling connected to a place.
Marie and Joanie talked about Marie’s podcast British Folk Music: Where Are All The Black People?. They also mentioned the music organisation The Nest Collective. You can learn more about Marie’s work and music on her website and through social media @mariebashiru.
Music in the episode:
“Reciprocity” by Marie Bashiru (2023); and, “Old Adam (Reprise)” from Fay Hield’s album Old Adam (2016, Soundpost Records).
All music used with permission from the artists and copyright holders.
Episode 4 - Mikey Kenney: Class and folk music education in Liverpool
In this episode Oliver interviews fiddler and singer Mikey Kenney about socio-economic barriers to getting involved in folk music, differences for a young person in Ireland and England to learn folk music, and his approach to engage young people in Lancashire Youth Folk Ensemble. Drawing on the interview Joanie and Oliver discuss class, difference, English folk “academia” and their experience of folk music in Ireland and England.
Mikey and Oliver mention the Irish music organisation Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (pronounced “Coaltas” for short) and Mikey’s work with the Lancashire Youth Folk Ensemble. You can learn more about Mikey’s work and music on his website and through social media @Mikeykenney
Music in the episode:
“The Path I Walk Upon” from Mikey Kenney’s album The Reverie Road (2018); and, “Old Adam (Reprise)” from Fay Hield’s album Old Adam (2016, Soundpost Records).
All music used with permission from the artists and copyright holders.