Am I Ready?

This short quiz asks you questions about your project. It will help you to think about your project and whether you are ready to apply.

Don’t worry if you haven’t thought about some of these yet; answering the quiz will take you to the right information to help you plan your project.

You can take the quiz as many times as you like and your answers won’t impact your ability to apply.

If you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

1. Does your project focus on folk singing and respond to challenges outlined in the Accessing Folk Singing in England Report?


Your project meets the basic requirements for an Access Folk Small Project Grant. Being able to say clearly how your project responds to the Accessing Folk Singing in England Report will help you answer Question 10 on the application.


If you’ve answered ‘no’, that may mean that your project isn’t the best fit for this funding. But, it may also mean that you’re approaching challenges to participating in folk singing in a way that is unique – in other words, a way that we want to hear about and will consider funding. 

Check out the Accessing Folk Singing in England Report and the Access Folk Podcast, and think about what challenges to participation your project addresses. 

Contact us to discuss the eligibility of your project if you are still unsure.

2. Do you have a clear idea of what your project is about and what you want it to achieve? 

Think about what it is you want to do and why you want to do it. What do you want to get out of your project and how will you deliver it? Can you describe it in one sentence?


Knowing what you want to achieve is a great step towards figuring out how you’re going to achieve it. Being able to say clearly what your vision is, what you want to do, when, and where will help you answer Questions 5, 6, 7, and 11 on the application.


If you want to apply for an Access Folk Small Project Grant, you should be clear about exactly what you want to do, when you want to do it, and where it will take place. It is also important to be able to talk about the ideas and inspirations behind your work.

Check out some of the presentations from the 2023 Access Folk Singing Symposium for inspiration based on how folk singers, scholars, and community leaders are thinking about these challenges. You may also find our FAQ useful for information about the types of singing we fund.

3. Do you know who your project is for, how they will experience it, and how you will reach them?

Think about who your audience is and what you want them to take away from your project. How will they know about your project and why will they want to be a part of it?


Knowing who you are trying to reach will help you make decisions about where and when your project will take place, and respond to Questions 10 and 11 in the application. 


The projects we support must have a clear vision about who they are trying to benefit, either in the short or long term. Knowing who you’re trying to engage will also help you make decisions about where and when your project will take place.

Check out the Accessing Folk Singing in England Report and the Access Folk Podcast for information about some of the groups who have historically been marginalised from participating in folk singing.

Contact us to discuss the eligibility of your project if you have other groups in mind and are unsure if they qualify.

4. Have you planned your project budget? 

We typically make awards of up to £1,000. Have you thought about how you will cover any additional costs? Or how you will sustain these costs after this funding ends? Ensure also that you are aware of your responsibilities towards paying people fairly for any work or services they provide.


Having a clear plan for the funds you’re applying for and how you will sustain ongoing costs will help you answer Questions 8 and 9 in the application.


Managing the finances is an important part of making sure your project happens and is successful. Get started on your budget by thinking about:

This isn’t an exhaustive list of potential costs, so think carefully about what you want to do and the costs that are likely to accompany each stage of your plan.

Check out our FAQ for more information about how you can spend this funding.

5.  Are you working with partners or other organisations to deliver your project? 

Working with other people or organisations can be an important part of managing your project. If you need to do this to deliver your project, have you thought about who they are and how they will be involved?


Knowing who you’re going to work with will help you clarify your goals, timeline, and financial obligations – and help you answer Questions 2, 7 and 8. 


Not every project requires partners or other organisations. Working with other people can be helpful for sharing the workload, ensuring you have the right skill sets to deliver your project, and reaching new and different audiences.

Before you apply, make sure you’ve thought about the different aspects of your project and who you might need to help you carry them out.

Check out our Get Help page if you have questions about different aspects of your project and the application process.

6. Have you planned the timeline for your project? 

Think about the different stages involved in delivering your project, from planning to delivery and data collection, as well as how your start date might be affected by our decision turnaround times.


Having a clear timeline will help you answer Question 6 on the application. It might also help you think about your answer to Question 9. Remember, projects can last up to a year and start anytime between March and October 2024. If there’s a date that’s critical in your timeline, make sure you submit your application well in advance so that we have time to make a decision.


A clear timeline can help you figure out other aspects of your project – like who needs to be involved, financial obligations, and where activities will take place. Remember, projects can last up to a year and start anytime between March and October 2024. If there’s a date that’s critical in your timeline, make sure you submit your application well in advance so that we have time to make a decision.

Check out our What’s Involved? page for more information about project timelines.

Score 6/6?

You're ready to apply!

Score 5/6 or lower?

Check out the resources we suggested, explore our website, and start imagining the possibilities for your project!

If you still have questions, go to Get Help Applying to watch a video about how to apply, sign up for a live Q&A session, or get in touch to discuss your project 1-to-1.

What's next?


Submit your application.

What's involved?

Download the Call for Access Folk Small Project Application, learn about your role in action research, and find out if your project fits the criteria for funding.

Get help applying 

Register for a Q&A session, read our FAQ, request a callback, or find out about other ways we can support you.

Other resources

Access podcasts and reports about the current state of folk singing in England, and other resources that can help inform your application.

Accepting your funding

Get information on how to accept your funding, download project documents, and preview our agreements.