Ask a Friend Report Online.pdf

Ask a Friend Report

Here you can view and download our report on the results of our 'Ask a Friend' research method. 'Ask a Friend' invited people in the English folk scene to interview friends, family and acquaintances about their relationship with folk singing in England. 

This report is aimed at organisers and folk singers in the folk scene who want to better understand how they can attract new participants and reflect on how their activities might be seen from an outsider perspective. We have organised the report with an overall summary of key findings at the start, followed by in-depth focus on the main themes. Although we recognise that each organiser knows their own activities best, each theme includes a suggestion based on the findings from our research.

Below you can find some preliminary results and an interim report produced for the Board. 

Ask a Friend - Poster FINAL.pdf
Ask a Friend_ An interim report for the Access Folk Board.pdf